Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Birthday

My birthday morning started out with going to some friends from church.  Mary tries to have us over around once a month.  The purpose is to get together and have some Godly fellowship with women AND to pray for our husbands.  It usually amounts to us chasing our children around and sneaking in a quick prayer at the end.

These sweet ladies baked me a birthday cake and sang to me.

My little man and I.  I was informed I look like I'm 12 in this picture.  Clearly I should dress nicely and do my hair more often.

 Everyone has to help blow out the candles;)

 After naptime we headed to the park with Tiff, Sophia and Charlie.  Tiff picked us up cupcakes from Holland Cakery.  My FAVORITE cupcake place:)

Charlie got a cake pop.  That's plenty for a 1 year            Joelle trying to decided if she wants to eat
                                  old;)                                                                     something sweet...                 

B scarfed his.  You don't have to tell him twice..

I topped the night off with coffee made in my new coffee maker, my favorite (melted together) gummies and coldstone.  YUM.  I think I ate plenty of calories that day..

So blessed to have such great friends and family to spend my birthday with.  27 will be great.  Even though I'm going to perpetually be 24. ;)

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