Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Buh Bye Paci’s

The reason I took the paci's away was because I was sick of them falling out, or being thrown out, of their cribs.  They, typically, didn't throw them.  But they don't have bumper pads.  Ever since Brecken realized he could use his as a ladder.  Joelle had lost hers 15 minutes into her nap and proceeded to scream for the next hour.  Mind you, they each had 4 (or more) in their beds.  I posted on FB asking if it was mean to take away my children's paci's while they were sick (they had colds).  The overwhelming response that I was NOT a mean mom was amazing.  So that very same day I snipped the ends off and threw them back in their beds.  And let them find them that night.  Eeeeeee.  I knew Brecken wouldn't have a problem with it.  He's been a lazy paci sucker since the beginning.  Joelle?  Muahahaha.  < That was her evil laugh.  Not mine.  She loves her some paci and I was afraid that girl would have it in for me.  Not even joking.  She was soooooo sad when she went to grab her paci that night.  "Boken Momma, it's boken!!"  She wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.  I kept telling her she might want to hold it and then throw them away in the morning.  She finally conceded.  B was already busy putting his finger in the hole and trying to rip it apart.  Because that's all the love he felt for that.  She screamed for about 30 minutes that night.

The next morning they were soooo excited to throw them away.  Pardon their scary sleep faces.  Yes, we do realize Joelle is a giant.  Because Brecken is not (that) short.  

Good riddance.  So long, farewell.  Don't judge me labeling our trash can.  We now have a trash can, a paper can and a compost can under the sink.  Eric gets irritated when I change things.  So I went ahead and labeled, so he couldn't forget.  And, I assure you, the children will need those words on there, as well.

Little B!  Doesn't even care that he threw those things away.  He much preferred the boob.

As I'm typing this, a month and a half later, I can honestly tell you this was, once again, our easiest transition.  Adelyn was upset for about 2 nights and so was Joelle.  She cried for 5 minutes at her first nap, without it, and for about 15 minutes the 2nd night.  By the third she didn't even care.  We even had a paci-loving baby come for a stay a couple days after I took them away.  She didn't put his in her mouth once.  Amazing.

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