Friday, April 26, 2013


We headed to John Ball Zoo today.  The weather was BEAUTIFUL.  I'm so over the cold crap.  Thankfully it will be warm for a week..  Most of the animals were out.  That was pretty exciting.

Cuties checking out the pelicans.  I'm pretty sure we could have just stayed here and they would have been satisfied.

Checking out the other ducks.


Grandfather ape.  We only were in the ape house for a little bit before they let them all out.  So no poop stories this time.  Thankfully.  Brecken and Joelle STILL talk about it.

Ape house.  No disgusting pictures, this time.

"Riding" the "horses"  I was pretty positive, out of all the pictures I had, nobody was smiling.  It was true for Adelyn.  At least Sophia is ;)

Twinkie cuties.  I promise Joelle smiles for pictures.  Apparently, not lately.

Mrs. Tiff showed them how the sun shines through the leaves when you hold them up.  They were all trying to figure it out..

Pretty sure I'll just take them to the courthouse and marry them now.  Joelle has lots of little boyfriends ;)

What a beautiful day.  We had such a great time.  That's all I have to say about that.

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