Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Booberry Pickin" and a Birthday Party

We had such a fun Saturday!  Busy but we had a blast.  In the morning we went "booberry pickin."  Adelyn was so excited to go.  We stopped somewhere before we got to the fields and she said "No!  I wanna go booberry pickin!"  She says the craziest things :)

Poor B..bumming again.  We were so mean to him this weekend ;)

Pretty Jo

Adelyn had her own bucket.  She used it to hold the blueberries that were waiting to be put in her mouth.  She ate a ton!


HILARIOUS.  I was pulling the wagon and I turned around to check on Adelyn and Joelle.  I was thinking what in the world is wrong with her tooth.  Then I started laughing.  A blueberry skin!  Ha!

At night we had Kaylee's birthday party.  She turned 2 this year.  They had a pool party for us.  The babies hung out on the blanket and Chloe practiced being a big sister.  She's going to be great!

Having fun on the blanket

Fun in the pools.  Poor Brynn..I'm not quite sure what was going on here!

Birthday girl!!!  She had somehow scratched her chin but I guess it didn't hurt to bad ;)

Kaylee and Adelyn

I so wish that I had caught the before shot.  This is the after shot.  He was trying to sit in the bucket/wheelbarrow.  He fell over, was stunned for a second and then just tried to get in the bucket/wheelbarrow again :)

 What can I say!?  The girl loves her cake.

Pretty baby.

Yes we let our children chew on plastic bags.  As long as they are supervised ;)

  Poor handsome man got his first hickey/kiss.  I didn't witness it but I guess it started as a kiss and then ended as a bite.  He has teeth marks and a hickey in the middle.  We're glad it didn't break the skin.  We have been on the giving and receiving end of them.  Sad but it happens :(

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