Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Beach

We went to the beach for the first time (as a family of five) and these two LOVED it!

Adelyn J: It's so hard to get a decent picture of her.  She is constantly in action.  She LOVED the water.  I told Eric next time we go we need to bring her life jacket because she was a little too brave!

Pretty Jojo.  Such a stinker :)

My handsome little man!

So happy!

Hmm.  You neglected to mention you could eat sand, Momma!

De-licious!  ;)
..I'm a firm believer that a little dirt don't hurt..

We decided we want to make it a Sunday ritual.  It's someplace relaxing and peaceful we can all enjoy and have fun at.  Until we feel comfortable going to church again (to hard to go with 3 babies and 2 adults, particularly, when you don't want to put them in the nursery), you can find us at the beach this summer!

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