Monday, July 25, 2011

So long..


That's right. Adelyn threw her paci away.

If you look extra closely you will realize that I was also extra mean and cut the end off.  I cut if off last week Tuesday (can't believe it's been a week already..!) and I totally forgot that was the day I was going to the doctor during nap time.  Whoops!  I brought Adelyn upstairs to put her to bed and she put her paci in her mouth, it fell out and she immediately started wailing.  "Paci broken Mommy!  Paci broken!"  She threw it across the room and ran down the stairs.  I went to go get her and she asked for a new one.  I told her (and had told her before) that she doesn't get anymore.  She cried for maybe 5 minutes after I put her down and then went to sleep.  I was utterly amazed.  At night she didn't want me to put her down because she thought Eric was going to get her a new paci.  Ha.  She didn't even cry that night.  The next morning, when she woke up, I asked her if she wanted to throw it away and she told me she did.  That day for her nap she asked me about it and I told her she threw it away.  She said "Adelyn bery said Mommy."  :(  We have had a couple of conversations about it since then but there has also been days where she hasn't asked about it at all.  I thought, for sure, this would be her hardest transition.  Turns out I was wrong.

So long, farewell.

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