Monday, July 25, 2011

Sleep. Or not.

Most people know that we have struggled to get Brecken and Joelle sleeping through the night.  My version  for a baby is 11-12 hours.  We have tried absolutely everything.  Feeding them more, feeding them at different times, giving them a bath, not letting them nap, we have sound machines, on their belly, on their back, with blankets, without blankets.  We had been on a 4 night row of them sleeping well and then all of a sudden they were back to their normal crappy ways of waking up once (each) between 1 and 3 and again between 4 and 6.  They usually get up for good at 7.  I officially hauled our spare mattress (off our spare bed) up into their bedroom so that one of us can sleep on it so the other isn't interrupted all the time.  2 nights ago I let them both cry it out.  I slept up there and Brecken was the first awake and I just kept popping his paci in every 5 minutes or so and he finally fell asleep after about a half an hour.  Joelle woke up and I did the same thing with her, only it took her maybe 10 minutes.  Last night we tried putting them down earlier, starting at 7:15 instead of our normal 7:30/7:45.  Brecken woke up at 9 and again at 12 so I ended up sleeping up there.  I only had to put his paci in once each time.  Then when Joelle woke up at 6:15 (and only 6:15!) I put her paci back in and she fell asleep until 7.  Brecken woke up at 7:30.  Here's to hoping (again) that we might have a new trend.

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