Friday, July 29, 2011

The Fair

We went to the fair Friday night and Adelyn LOVED it.  We looked at the animals but I forgot about the barns so we missed all four of those.  Good thing she doesn't know any better!  She was tall enough for the rides so we went on a couple of those too..and loved it.  She doesn't take after her daddy ;)
Adelyn and all the goats/llamas/lambs.  These are some of the few animals she did see.  The first things she saw was the turtles.  "Ooohh tutles!"  So cute. 

She was very gentle with the animals and thought it was hilarious to pet their heads :) 

Poor B has been sick all week with a high fever, the doc *thinks* it's Roseola.  I'm a little unsure since he never got the rash..  He was really tired and crabby but since Adelyn and I had been holed up in the house all week we dragged him out anyways ;) 

Jojo has been such a trooper lately..might have something to do with her sleeping so well at night.  Who would have thought she would turn out to be the excellent sleeper!?!?

Adelyn LOVED the train ride.  When we walked around before Eric got there this ride was the first one she noticed.  She was sooo excited!

Poor girl thought she was going to ride again..alas, we just wanted a picture

I think I will finally have someone to ride rides with!

 Poor B was really bumming out at this point..sad little man.  Not such a fan of the fair!

We went though the fun house.  The first section was a maze of mirrors and I let Adelyn lead the way.  She ran into some mirrors nose first twice and then got the hang of putting her hands in front of her :)

We got her a bag of cotton candy to eat on the way home and this was her sticky face when we got home :)

We all had fun at the fair (except for B) and now I can't wait to take Adelyn to Michigan's Adventure for Eric's work party!!

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