Sunday, July 31, 2011

A new tradition

A month or two ago we started letting Adelyn stay up late one night a month'ish to watch a movie in our bedroom, in bed, with us.  We pop a bowl of popcorn, let her pick a movie and cuddle in bed.  She loves it and we love the extra cuddles.
*I noticed in every single picture I have a popcorn kernel in my teeth.  Enjoy a laugh at my expense.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Booberry Pickin" and a Birthday Party

We had such a fun Saturday!  Busy but we had a blast.  In the morning we went "booberry pickin."  Adelyn was so excited to go.  We stopped somewhere before we got to the fields and she said "No!  I wanna go booberry pickin!"  She says the craziest things :)

Poor B..bumming again.  We were so mean to him this weekend ;)

Pretty Jo

Adelyn had her own bucket.  She used it to hold the blueberries that were waiting to be put in her mouth.  She ate a ton!


HILARIOUS.  I was pulling the wagon and I turned around to check on Adelyn and Joelle.  I was thinking what in the world is wrong with her tooth.  Then I started laughing.  A blueberry skin!  Ha!

At night we had Kaylee's birthday party.  She turned 2 this year.  They had a pool party for us.  The babies hung out on the blanket and Chloe practiced being a big sister.  She's going to be great!

Having fun on the blanket

Fun in the pools.  Poor Brynn..I'm not quite sure what was going on here!

Birthday girl!!!  She had somehow scratched her chin but I guess it didn't hurt to bad ;)

Kaylee and Adelyn

I so wish that I had caught the before shot.  This is the after shot.  He was trying to sit in the bucket/wheelbarrow.  He fell over, was stunned for a second and then just tried to get in the bucket/wheelbarrow again :)

 What can I say!?  The girl loves her cake.

Pretty baby.

Yes we let our children chew on plastic bags.  As long as they are supervised ;)

  Poor handsome man got his first hickey/kiss.  I didn't witness it but I guess it started as a kiss and then ended as a bite.  He has teeth marks and a hickey in the middle.  We're glad it didn't break the skin.  We have been on the giving and receiving end of them.  Sad but it happens :(

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Fair

We went to the fair Friday night and Adelyn LOVED it.  We looked at the animals but I forgot about the barns so we missed all four of those.  Good thing she doesn't know any better!  She was tall enough for the rides so we went on a couple of those too..and loved it.  She doesn't take after her daddy ;)
Adelyn and all the goats/llamas/lambs.  These are some of the few animals she did see.  The first things she saw was the turtles.  "Ooohh tutles!"  So cute. 

She was very gentle with the animals and thought it was hilarious to pet their heads :) 

Poor B has been sick all week with a high fever, the doc *thinks* it's Roseola.  I'm a little unsure since he never got the rash..  He was really tired and crabby but since Adelyn and I had been holed up in the house all week we dragged him out anyways ;) 

Jojo has been such a trooper lately..might have something to do with her sleeping so well at night.  Who would have thought she would turn out to be the excellent sleeper!?!?

Adelyn LOVED the train ride.  When we walked around before Eric got there this ride was the first one she noticed.  She was sooo excited!

Poor girl thought she was going to ride again..alas, we just wanted a picture

I think I will finally have someone to ride rides with!

 Poor B was really bumming out at this point..sad little man.  Not such a fan of the fair!

We went though the fun house.  The first section was a maze of mirrors and I let Adelyn lead the way.  She ran into some mirrors nose first twice and then got the hang of putting her hands in front of her :)

We got her a bag of cotton candy to eat on the way home and this was her sticky face when we got home :)

We all had fun at the fair (except for B) and now I can't wait to take Adelyn to Michigan's Adventure for Eric's work party!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

So long..


That's right. Adelyn threw her paci away.

If you look extra closely you will realize that I was also extra mean and cut the end off.  I cut if off last week Tuesday (can't believe it's been a week already..!) and I totally forgot that was the day I was going to the doctor during nap time.  Whoops!  I brought Adelyn upstairs to put her to bed and she put her paci in her mouth, it fell out and she immediately started wailing.  "Paci broken Mommy!  Paci broken!"  She threw it across the room and ran down the stairs.  I went to go get her and she asked for a new one.  I told her (and had told her before) that she doesn't get anymore.  She cried for maybe 5 minutes after I put her down and then went to sleep.  I was utterly amazed.  At night she didn't want me to put her down because she thought Eric was going to get her a new paci.  Ha.  She didn't even cry that night.  The next morning, when she woke up, I asked her if she wanted to throw it away and she told me she did.  That day for her nap she asked me about it and I told her she threw it away.  She said "Adelyn bery said Mommy."  :(  We have had a couple of conversations about it since then but there has also been days where she hasn't asked about it at all.  I thought, for sure, this would be her hardest transition.  Turns out I was wrong.

So long, farewell.

Sleep. Or not.

Most people know that we have struggled to get Brecken and Joelle sleeping through the night.  My version  for a baby is 11-12 hours.  We have tried absolutely everything.  Feeding them more, feeding them at different times, giving them a bath, not letting them nap, we have sound machines, on their belly, on their back, with blankets, without blankets.  We had been on a 4 night row of them sleeping well and then all of a sudden they were back to their normal crappy ways of waking up once (each) between 1 and 3 and again between 4 and 6.  They usually get up for good at 7.  I officially hauled our spare mattress (off our spare bed) up into their bedroom so that one of us can sleep on it so the other isn't interrupted all the time.  2 nights ago I let them both cry it out.  I slept up there and Brecken was the first awake and I just kept popping his paci in every 5 minutes or so and he finally fell asleep after about a half an hour.  Joelle woke up and I did the same thing with her, only it took her maybe 10 minutes.  Last night we tried putting them down earlier, starting at 7:15 instead of our normal 7:30/7:45.  Brecken woke up at 9 and again at 12 so I ended up sleeping up there.  I only had to put his paci in once each time.  Then when Joelle woke up at 6:15 (and only 6:15!) I put her paci back in and she fell asleep until 7.  Brecken woke up at 7:30.  Here's to hoping (again) that we might have a new trend.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fun In the Sun

Fun in the sun sand.  Brecken and Joelle love to play in the sand.  I usually only let them on bath night because they can get REALLY dirty.  They love to put it in their mouth and all over their faces.  They pick it up in their hands and smear it everywhere. 

Handsome man

Silly girl.

Always beating each other up..

Poor B..what comes around goes around ;)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hot, HOt, HOT

So this week has been the hottest week this summer.  It has been in the 90's all week with heat index's in the 100's.  YUCK. We've been in the pool every day and we put the umbrella up on the deck and just sit (naked for them) in the pool.

Ah the fighting..  :)

Silly hard to get her to look at me.

Oh. my. goodness.  She had sneezed and I managed to catch this shot!

Happy Boy!

They love to play with the beads..Jojo managed to snag them for most of the pool party today!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Brecken and Joelle-7 months

My adorable little babies are 7 months old :) What have they been up to??

-you weigh 18.4lbs
-you wear 9 month clothes and 6-12month clothes
-you are sleeping 11-12 hours..STRAIGHT.  this has been new for the past 3 days. sa-weet.
-you love to eat! i nurse you at 7, 12 and 7:30. you eat breakfast around 8:30 (4ozs), lunch at 1 (4ozs) and supper at 5:30 (6-8ozs).
-you are such a happy boy.
-you love to sit and play.
-you are ALL boy.  while sitting you will fall over quite a bit because you are always trying to reach something that's not within reaching distance. 
-you love to beat up jojo
-adelyn can make you laugh very well
-you love your blankie.  the paci isn't your favorite thing during the day but you take it.  you have to have it at night.
-you are such a mover.  you will probably crawl before joelle
-you love to play in the water
-you have the biggest cheesy grin
-you love to be outside
-you still aren't a huge fan of your car-seat.  particularly if the van is not moving.
-still no teeth

Adelyn at 7 months

-you weigh 18.8lbs
-you wear 9month clothes and 6-12month clothes
-you are sleeping 11-12 hours at night...straight.  this was new as of 3 days ago.  it is wonderful
-you nurse at 7, 12 and 7:30.  you eat breakfast (4ozs) at 8, you eat lunch (4ozs) at 1 and you eat supper at 5:30 (6-8ozs).  you are generally full faster than B and if you don't want to eat you wont.
-you are my needy momma's girl.  you love it when i hold you and if i'm not around nobody else can even look at you without you crying.
-you love to sit and play with your toys.
-you love to hold your blankie.  every time i go to get you from a nap or in the morning you are always holding it and chewing it.
-if you dont like something everybody knows!
-you love to steal your big brother's paci.
-you love your paci.
-there still isnt a food you dont like.
-you love to splash in the pool or tub
-you still love your belly but when i check on you at night you sleep on your back too
-you are incredibly observant
-you love to cuddle with your momma
-you have started wanting to put yourself to sleep.  when i've been holding you at night you never completely fall asleep until i lay you in your bed.
-still no teeth

My three babies :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Beach

We went to the beach for the first time (as a family of five) and these two LOVED it!

Adelyn J: It's so hard to get a decent picture of her.  She is constantly in action.  She LOVED the water.  I told Eric next time we go we need to bring her life jacket because she was a little too brave!

Pretty Jojo.  Such a stinker :)

My handsome little man!

So happy!

Hmm.  You neglected to mention you could eat sand, Momma!

De-licious!  ;)
..I'm a firm believer that a little dirt don't hurt..

We decided we want to make it a Sunday ritual.  It's someplace relaxing and peaceful we can all enjoy and have fun at.  Until we feel comfortable going to church again (to hard to go with 3 babies and 2 adults, particularly, when you don't want to put them in the nursery), you can find us at the beach this summer!