My adorable little babies are 7 months old :) What have they been up to??
-you weigh 18.4lbs
-you wear 9 month clothes and 6-12month clothes
-you are sleeping 11-12 hours..STRAIGHT. this has been new for the past 3 days. sa-weet.
-you love to eat! i nurse you at 7, 12 and 7:30. you eat breakfast around 8:30 (4ozs), lunch at 1 (4ozs) and supper at 5:30 (6-8ozs).
-you are such a happy boy.
-you love to sit and play.
-you are ALL boy. while sitting you will fall over quite a bit because you are always trying to reach something that's not within reaching distance.
-you love to beat up jojo
-adelyn can make you laugh very well
-you love your blankie. the paci isn't your favorite thing during the day but you take it. you have to have it at night.
-you are such a mover. you will probably crawl before joelle
-you love to play in the water
-you have the biggest cheesy grin
-you love to be outside
-you still aren't a huge fan of your car-seat. particularly if the van is not moving.
-still no teeth
Adelyn at 7 months
-you weigh 18.8lbs
-you wear 9month clothes and 6-12month clothes
-you are sleeping 11-12 hours at night...straight. this was new as of 3 days ago. it is wonderful
-you nurse at 7, 12 and 7:30. you eat breakfast (4ozs) at 8, you eat lunch (4ozs) at 1 and you eat supper at 5:30 (6-8ozs). you are generally full faster than B and if you don't want to eat you wont.
-you are my needy momma's girl. you love it when i hold you and if i'm not around nobody else can even look at you without you crying.
-you love to sit and play with your toys.
-you love to hold your blankie. every time i go to get you from a nap or in the morning you are always holding it and chewing it.
-if you dont like something everybody knows!
-you love to steal your big brother's paci.
-you love your paci.
-there still isnt a food you dont like.
-you love to splash in the pool or tub
-you still love your belly but when i check on you at night you sleep on your back too
-you are incredibly observant
-you love to cuddle with your momma
-you have started wanting to put yourself to sleep. when i've been holding you at night you never completely fall asleep until i lay you in your bed.
-still no teeth