Saturday, April 23, 2011


Eric was changing Joelle today and he said "Joelle, you have such a pretty Easter outfit on, Brecken only has a shirt on and Adelyn only has pants on.  We are the perfect Walmart family."  I said "Welcome to every day."

We were all eating lunch and Adelyn had dumped out all of her food and was squishing it in her hands so I told her if she did it again she would have to go in time-out.  Usually that's enough to stop her.  Not today.  I pulled her chair away from the table (I totally forgot I hadn't buckled her in, it's getting to the point where I usually don't because she likes to get up and down herself) and she tried to grab the table to keep from going in time-out.  Wellll, I kept pulling the chair and she fell flat on the floor with her arms straight out in front of her and her legs sticking straight out behind her.  There were her little hand prints on the floor (from her squishing her food) and she wasn't crying bad, so I knew she wasn't hurt.  Eric and I were laughing while I was trying to comfort Adelyn and Eric said "way to get out of time-out."

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