Friday, April 8, 2011

Brecken and Joelle-Picture Post

My little babies are growing and maturing so much.  These pictures are a couple of the new things they have been doing lately:

Talking to each other.  It's so cute.  They'll just look at each and smile and talk.  I hope they are best friends :)

Tummy time.  Brecken is the best at lifting his head the highest but Joelle has almost caught up to him.

B has started chewing on toys.

Pretty Jo's big gummy smiles :)

B is perpetually happy.

They have started holding hands a lot.  Both will initiate and it happens whenever they are laying/sitting by each other.  So cute!

This happened the other day.  They were both getting fussy, it was time to eat, I turned on the TV for Adelyn and they both were instantly quiet and glued to the TV.  Lovely.  Adelyn didn't even know what the TV was until I was pregnant with things have changed.

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