Friday, April 8, 2011

A "first" I never wished had happened.

Alternately titled: A "first" I hope never happens again.
We were doing baths last night and I had already bathed Brecken and was working on Joelle when Adelyn got in the tub.  She was standing there and all of a sudden started peeing.  I couldn't tell you the last time she peed standing up in the tub.  Her stream was hitting the edge of Joelle's tub and started splashing her in the face.  By the time I could react Adelyn was done peeing and all I said was "I can't believe that just happened."  I'm washing Joelle and then I notice that she is blinking a lot and her eye has turned reallllly red.  I see a yellow drop on her eye, whip her out of the tub, turn her over and wipe out her poor little eye.  D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G.  She was fine last night, her eye cleared right up, and she has had no symptoms today.
I can only imagine how that conversation would have gone at the doctor's office...

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