Monday, April 18, 2011

Brecken and Joelle-4 months

My little babies are growing so fast and developing such fun personalities.  Their personalities have really shown through this month and they are completely opposite!

-you weigh 14lbs, on the home scale
-you wear mostly 3-6 month clothes
-wear a size 1-2 diaper during the day and a 2 at night
-you sleep 9-10 hours, straight, at night
-you, pretty consistently, take 3 naps a day
-you still love the boob.  you will take a bottle now just not from me
-you are, seriously, the most laid back individual I know
-you love to smile!
-your hair is really starting to come in aren't a cue-ball anymore :)
-this month you have started to laugh and you love to chew on toys
-you roll from front to back pretty consistently now
-you love to hold hands with Joelle, and she you.  It's the cutest thing.
-you love to smile and talk to Adelyn and Joelle


Adelyn at 4 months

-you weigh 14.6lbs, on the home scale
-you wear 3-6 month and 6 month clothes
-you wear a size 1-2 diaper during the day and a 2 at night
-you sleep 8-9 hours.  You really struggle to stay asleep some nights but are hopefully getting better.
-you have the biggest gummiest smiles.  I love them.
-you definitely have the chubbiest cheeks of all of my babies.  I love to kiss them :)
-you are SOO strong.
-you love to stand 
-you are literally an arm away from rolling back to front.  You roll both of your legs over and your body but get stuck on an arm.  You still refuse to roll from front to back. 
-you are SOOO loud.  Nobody will miss you ;) You love to talk..and it isn't quiet.
-you make the funniest noises when you talk
-I have started giving you an extra 2 ounces of milk at night (I have 300 saved in the freezer..) and it helped a lot the first two nights and then you got sick.. 

We have their well-baby visit next Tuesday so I'll post stats then!

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