Thursday, September 9, 2010

24 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 24 weeks
Weight Gain: 14 pounds
Babies weight: About a foot long and just over 1lb!
Movement: They move A LOT. Sometimes I will have days that they don't move much at all though..but they sure make up for it the next couple days.
Symptoms: Numbness in my hands and feet. STARVING.
What I miss: Being able to bend down without it hurting. Getting out of bed vs. rolling out :)
Cravings: Nothing really comes to mind now..
Best moments this week: Seeing the babies!! I still can't believe there are TWO in there and every time I have an ultrasound I can't believe how much they have grown!! Finding out that Baby Boy (Baby A) is head down and things are good to go for a vaginal delivery! Woot woot. Baby Girl is breech...that could change but he said they probably won't change positions anymore. I am 99% positive that I have decided just to get an epidural. Reason being since she is(and potentially remaining) breech Dr. Taylor will be reaching up there and pulling her out by her feet. OUCH. Things are actually starting to come together with setting up for the basement being finished and finishing other projects around the house.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing some things up!
Names: Still decided on the girls and undecided on the boys. We had two contenders. Then I nixed one and brought back another of my favorites. Eric and I are both pretty undecided as to which one of two again though..bah. It has become more of a mutual decision? I just don't want Eric to feel railroaded into one or the other...

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