Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miss Adelyn

What has my baby Adelyn been up to lately?! Well she isn't such a baby anymore.. She is a toddler who is developing a STRONG personality. She has minor..I guess..temper tantrums that make me either want to pull my hair out or cry with her. For the most part she is so sweet and loving and full of giggles. She loves to give everybody hugs and kisses. Sometimes when her and Kota are looking out the front window she just reaches her little arm over Kota and just stands there, holding her. When I'm in the kitchen she loves to run up to me and hug my legs. Sometimes she holds her arms up to me and says "peas?" Seriously melts my heart. She has the cutest little head of curls and I still have not cut her hair..I refuse. She is so independent and HAS to feed herself at every meal. She doesn't want any help whatsoever and I must say she does pretty good..for a 19 month old ;) She loves to read right now and she can point out certain objects in books. She will bring us stack after stack of books and want to read them. A lot of the time she has to turn the page so we might not be reading it in the correct order but still reading. Amazingly, or not, her favorite books are the books I get out of the Target dollar section. Isn't that how it always goes though?! She still sleeps a solid 12 hours or more at night. I put her to bed between 7:30 and 8 and she sleeps until 7:30-8:30 the next morning. She is about 35 inches tall and weighs 26/27 pounds. She is wearing 2T clothing with the exception of some 18-24 month clothes. I still think that she is going to be completely surprised when we have the babies. She knows the babies are in my belly but as for coming out..ha. Her vocabulary grows every day. I couldn't tell you how many words she knows now. She is starting to put two words together. We have heard her say bye car, GO car, daddy shh? (she thought daddy was sleeping). She is doing a really good job at saying please instead of whining. Whining drives me nuts. We now live in an non-gated community. We took our gate down and Adelyn didn't even notice! I rarely find her at the top of the stairs by herself but she is totally confident in going down the stairs on her belly so I don't worry about it at all. Eric on the other hand..well, when I told him to take the gate down you could hear his helicopter blades start whirring. Every time we see a greenish colored van heading down the road she says "Nana?" Nope, sweetheart, it's not Nana. She loves to play outside and is still in love with her sandbox.
That concludes my thoughts today on Adelyn..I'm exhausted.

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