Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Funny Conversations...

Eric, Adelyn and I all have colds right now.  Adelyn is actually (surprisingly) the healthiest.  I can only hope and pray she doesn't get worse.  Eric and I have both had a hard time sleeping the past few nights, something about being unable to breath through your nose and a constant tickle in your throat make lying down quite difficult.  Last night we were laying in bed talking about baby names and trying to decide on baby boy's middle name.  FYI I think we have finally come to a consensus on his first name.  Our original plan was to have both babies have our first or middle name.  Wweellll neither Eric nor John go with the first name.  Eric is most definitely not broken hearted about it.  He says he doesn't need to have somebody named after him.  So we are trying to come up with something else.  I really like using a family name for the middle name and we're pretty hosed on that too.  So then we started talking biblical names and none have really struck our fancy so we are going to have to look some up.  I was asking Eric what Jesus' brothers names were and his response was "Jesus had brothers?"  I was like..um. yeah.  Then Eric asked well what's Jesus' middle name?  I said I'm pretty sure he didn't have one.  Eric goes "no, I think it's T"  Say what?!  Eric says "Yeah, Jesus T. Christ.  As in Jesus, The Christ."  Oh. My.  Pretty sure we were dying laughing.  We kept saying how God was going to make us choke on our cough drops in our sleep..Yikes.  He had another crazy one too but I don't remember.  Such is life.

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