Tuesday, August 31, 2010

22 Weeks

I thought it would be fun to post a comparison picture of when I was pregnant with Adelyn..I think they are pretty close :)

Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 22 weeks
Weight Gain: 10lbs..FINALLY double digits.
Babies weight: According to BabyCenter almost 1lb and 11in long. The size of a spaghetti squash :) ..times 2 ;)
Movement: ALL. THE. TIME. Which I love!
Symptoms: My hands (and feet) have been going numb faster. I still have horrendous gas..the belching kind. I can't lay down after I eat, anything, or I get intense vomiting feelings and then when I sit up I belch so loud the windows rattle. No joke. Ask Eric. Hunger pains. Sometimes I eat a full meal and am starving 5 minutes later. It's nuts.
What I miss: Being able to move with ease. Sleeping through the night without having to wake up to use the bathroom. Eating normal amounts of food.
Cravings: This week it has been sweet stuff. Candy, dessert, ice cream. Yum.
Best moments this week: Actually purchasing a VAN. Sad but true. And I am actually thinking I might love it. Don't tell Eric.
What I am looking forward to: Next week's OB appointment. I got the approval to take a vacation in mid-October. As long as I have an OB visit prior and take my records with me, he said it was ok. Kind of weird for me having to get an ok to take a vacation when I will be "only" 28 weeks pregnant. That's the difference between a single pregnancy and twins though :)
Names: Still decided on the girls name and undecided on the boys. Come on Eric!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Socially Acceptable..?

I think not. As a pregnant person (for the 2nd time) I am still failing to see how it is socially acceptable to make rude comments about my (or any pregnant person's) weight. It is not acceptable for me to say to the guy (or gal) down the street "my, it looks like you have put on about 20 lbs" but yet it is (people think) acceptable to make comments on a pregnant person's weight gain. Every pregnant person is WELL aware of how much weight she has gained. She sees it every time she looks in the mirror and prays she doesn't see stretch marks (or more stretch marks), every time she steps on the scale and it says "error, only 1 person at a time," looks down and realizes her feet have disappeared, puts on a shirt that is probably a size or two (or more) bigger, puts a pair of stretchy waisted, incapable of staying up maternity pants on, puts underwear on and it's gotten so tight it's like an insta-thong, puts a bra on that fit before but all of a sudden you can't connect it and it looks like you might lose a boob (or two) when you get finally do get it connected etc. We don't need comments about how much longer we have to go (believe me, we know) or comparing me to every other pregnant person you know-unless if it's in a positive way. News flash: everybody is different. Every pregnant person is different. It makes a difference if you are taller or shorter, larger or smaller, you exercise or not, you eat healthy or not; as to how much weight you will gain and were it will disperse. Also, as a side note, just because I am having twins does not mean it is even MORE acceptable for you to poke fun of me. Guess what folks, I am growing TWO babies. Not one. No you cannot tell me I look just as pregnant as the person who is 12 weeks further (with one baby) than I am. No you cannot comment on how much larger I have gotten in precisely 2 weeks. No you cannot say how far away December is and my how much bigger I am going to get STILL..guess what..it's really not that far away and I know that I am going to get bigger, thanks. No you cannot inform me of the fact that twins are going to be A LOT of work (when you haven't had them yourself), believe me, I have already had one..I think I am aware that they will be a lot of work. It is also not polite to have known one person, in the world, to have delivered 9lb (each) twins and crack jokes that that's how big my babies are going to be. Also unacceptable, informing me that it is completely likely that since I have fraternal twins I could be delivering on two completely different days. Thanks. I knew that too but I'm pretty certain it isn't going to happen..unless if I deliver one a couple minutes before midnight and the other a couple minutes after.

Just go ahead and suck it up and tell the next pregnant woman you see that she is beautiful. She is growing life, folks, and that in and of itself should be (and is) way more beautiful than the fact that she may have gained 20 pounds or 60, gotten stretch marks or not. In the end she has delivered into the world one more person (or two or three or even more) that will make a difference. Then if you must, once that pregnant lady is out of sight, then and only then, can you run and tell Mary down the street or call up your best friend Jane and tell them how huge so and so is.

DISCLAIMER: with all this being said I do not mind, at all, nice comments about how I am growing, that I look great, or that I may have popped out since you saw me last. Every pregnant person should be told that. I'm just saying the WAY you say things and the tone you use has a lot to do with how I (or any other pregnant person) is going to perceive your comment.
If you want to touch my belly and I know you that is also totally fine. If you are the random lady(or man) at the grocery store, once again, unacceptable to touch my belly. But that's a whole different post...and may or may not actually be posted.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You know you have a toddler when...

*she talks to every mannequin you pass at Kohl's.
*she spits her food out on the table, you tell her that's gross, so she starts spitting her food out all the time and telling YOU it's gross.
*she pushes in your husband's chair because he can't remember to do it.
*she constantly asks "waz tat?" even after telling you waz tat is.
*she knows faster than the other person on the phone when I want to end a conversation...and starts saying bye. repeatedly.
*she's actually getting the hang of saying "peas" every time she wants something.
*she might love dogs more than she loves people.
*she poops in the tub.
*if you tell her we are going bye bye, we have to leave. RIGHT. NOW.

...to be continued.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

20 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How far along:
20 weeks
Weight gain: 6lbs
Babies weight: 10oz boy, 9oz girl (at 19wk Ultrasound)
Movement: Yes! Our little boy is quite the mover. He's going all the time. Our little girl likes to give big hard kicks when she moves. I think most of the time she is trying to stay quiet and avoid her brother...who, the last two times we have seen them, has been kicking some part of her.
Symptoms: Crazy dreams. Also came to the conclusion today (at my Doc's appointment) that I, once again, have pregnancy induced kidney stones AND pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. Nothing new with the kidney stones, I had them with Adelyn. They aren't painful, just yucky symptoms. The carpal tunnel however I am not excited about. My hands have been going numb/asleep when I lay down and he said with it showing up this early I will probably be in braces by the end of my pregnancy. Yay.
What I miss: My energy.
Cravings: Winshueller's cheese!! I still haven't gotten some... (I know I totally butchered the spelling but am to lazy to look it up).
Best moments this week: The doctor confirming that their are no visible problems with the babies!!!
What I am looking forward to: Getting a van. Sad. But true. The jetta is starting to be too small for me to get Adelyn in and out of and it is a strain on my back to buckle her in, change her diaper etc. The basement being finished. DECORATING the babies room =)
Names: The girls name is essentially decided and we have two boys names picked out so I told Eric he has to decide since I like them both :)

Today marks the big halfway point, to 40 weeks, which I do NOT plan on going that long! I had my appointment with Dr. Taylor this morning and he said everything is looking good. My goal remains to make it to 36 weeks, anything from there is fair game :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Leave of Absence??

Or not. I NEED to get better at this thing. One because I enjoy it. Two because I want my memories..or random thoughts. Third, it's fun to look back at what we (Adelyn) have been doing.
What have we been up to?!
I am almost 20 weeks pregnant. With twins. Don't you forget it. We found out last week Friday that we are having a boy and a girl! I couldn't be happier :) It was quite obvious, ok probably absolute, what each babies gender was. More on the babies later this week..if I'm not a slacker. We are still in the process of trying to find a van. A process which I hate immensely. It's like buying a house. We are always a day late and a dollar short. Sigh. I have had my first official week without Sophia. It's been helpful in some ways and yet I miss the companionship of Sophia (and Tiff). We are also in the process..key word: process..of the basement getting finished. Our plan of attack now is to drywall it, we are going to paint the floor, put rugs down and hopefully potentially put trim down. Depending on how poor we are at that point. Oh well..I just need it usable! Eric is doing the same ole, same ole. Working, working and more working. Now on to my favorite little person.
She is officially 18 months old. We had her well-baby visit last week Wednesday and she weighs 26lbs 3ozs, 75th percentile. Her height is 33.5inches, 95th percentile and her large head is in the 97th percentile. She only received one owie and is supposedly done with shots until she is 4. But I was told that she should get the flu shot. Thanks but no thanks. She says about 30 different words and we are working on saying please mama instead of whining for something. It's going rather well actually. I also have been sitting her on the toilet every night before bed and we just hang out for a minute or two and then she gets one M&M. Well tonight she went POTTY!! It made my heart smile. I would love to have her potty trained before the babies come..but am not quite sure how realistic that is. I would say tonight is a step in the right direction :) She is also back to not being allowed to have her paci downstairs and that transition went much smoother than the first time I transitioned her to no paci. We had a brief couple weeks, 2ish, where I had to allow it again because someone thought it was acceptable to bite Sophia. Um. No. Now she just bites things when she becomes angry and I tell her no bite and lead her to something else. She is one stubborn little girl. Armchair parenting is definitely not effective in the slightest with her. Not that it should ever be allowed but hey sometimes I get lazy (or just pregnant and exhausted chasing an 18 month old) and preach from my throne on the couch. The word no is not effective with her either. I can say it nicely or holler and neither have any effect. Eric would say she is my daughter. I guess I can't argue. The girl knows what she wants.