Whenever the chickens are free, this is an occurrence. She sings to them and swings. And they like it.
Big cheeser
Don't you stick your sucker in your hair?
This is frequent. They sit on top of here, cut things up and "make soup."
The chicken run is coming along! The door is almost done.
Adelyn wrote this story and drew the picture. She wrote the initial story with no help and then we went through and made corrections.

Sleepwalking Adelyn. Always a fun time.
We went to the park and they wanted to be spun around. This is my best attempt at a picture of them mid-spin.
Doesn't Thor come and do math at your house?
We were laughing hysterically. HYSTERICALLY. We were at a friend's house, by the fire pit, and all the sudden we hear the gator go roaring by with Lincoln crying. He didn't know to let up on the gas and nearly ran into the bush. So he just goes flying by, wailing and nearly crashes. Once he got to the bush he wised up.
Sleepy boys
Our first trip to the beach. The water was freezing but the kids didn't care.

Somehow when we put the chicken coop where the garden was, I ended up with a bigger garden. Eric and I are still scratching our head about it.
Daddy had a golfing tournament so we went to Wolfgangs and the Fulton Street farmer's market. Humph.
A, rather large, garter snake came into the chicken run. I was rather curious if the chickens would eat it. They just chased it out.
We went to Hemlock Crossings on our bike. Eric was all creeped out by the teepee's in the woods. I thought they were cool.
Apparently Lady Slipper Orchids are native to this area. You learn something new every day. They are beautiful.