Saturday, January 24, 2015

Rosa Parks

Adelyn has been asking (and asking!) to go ice skating at Rosa Parks.  We wanted to while Eric was home over Christmas break but there was no snow and it was warmish so that wasn't very festive.  Then it was super cold.  We finally got a decent day, on a Saturday, to go.  We texted some friends in the morning to watch Lincoln and took the big kids.

Here they are with their skates!  They were so excited.

Then we had to do crazy faces (of course) and Adelyn is walking away because she didn't want to be part of it ;)

It was so super busy.  I had to skate around with the kids for the first half.  Eric was not confident in his abilities to ice skate AND hold someone up.  My back and feet were killing me when I finally politely stole this little contraption from a family who were all drinking coffee.  I did ask, but I definitely had to ask.  Much easier to help them around with this.  Adelyn really got into it and so did Brecken.  Big surprise, Joelle hated it.  But she still wants to go back.  They had to get the Zamboni out because it was too warm and the ice was slushy.  It was taking forever so we had to get going.  The kids were so sad. 

They all really enjoyed going and want to go back again:)

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