Monday, January 19, 2015

The Allergist

We went to the allergist the other day for Lincoln.  They tested him for 13 different things.  Egg, milk, corn, oat, wheat, cocoa, avocado, soybean, peanut, almond, coconut, navy bean, pea and orange.  Based on his history, she was pretty certain something would pop up.  We were the only ones there so it went really fast.  She approved of all the stuff we were using on his skin and said nothing should be bothering him there.  They put the 13 different things on him, the positive control and the negative control and off I wheeled, on the chair, with him in my lap.  He had to lay like this for 20 minutes.  Darned if NOTHING popped up.  I was so super frustrated.  There were a couple tears shed when I was on the phone with Eric.  The allergist said we weren't totally cleared yet.  It's possible that he hasn't had enough of the allergen in his system for it to pop up on an actual test.  She wants me to start re-introducing foods into my diet.  She said to wait at least 5 days in-between each food.  I'm supposed to keep track of any reaction that he has.  She said to say away from feeding him the avocado and fatty foods because of his reaction.  She thinks that his gallbladder might not be tolerating all the fats and that's why his body rejected it so much.  She also told me to start him just with veggies and to stay away from all the grains until he's older.  Might be some kind of grain intolerance too.  She said that just because nothing popped up on his test doesn't mean he isn't intolerant to it.  If he keeps getting reactions to different things she wants him to come back and we will try the prick test again or even doing something with the actual food on his skin.

His little back after our time was up.  The red and swollen one is the positive control, to make sure he will actually have reactions to things.
So disappointing that we don't have any immediate answers to the barfing and the rashes but, hopefully, it means he won't ever be severely allergic to anything.  Maybe his stomach is just a total wimp when it comes to everything...  I have been scarfing the almonds/almond milk since we went and there has been nothing more than some mild rashes.  We shall see.
Thankful that we don't have to delve into the world of Epi pens and cleaning out our house!!!

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