Half a year?! How does it pass so quickly.
- 19lbs 4oz, 80th percentile
-28in, 95th percentile
-head 99th percentile. We grow them large at the Fitzgerald's. It's because they are going to be so smart.
-size 2 diaper during the day, 3 at night
-6-12mo and 12 mo clothes
-6-12mo and 12 mo clothes
-your sleep is still annoying. We will have a streak where you will only wake up once at 3/4 and then, most of the time, you will wake up around 1 and 4. Ugh.
-you are on a 4 hour schedule now. I'm thinking and hoping it's going to help.
-1 hour'ish nap in the morning, a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and 15-30 minutes at night.
-you LOVE to laugh. You are such a happy boy.
-still have a bit of a man phobia. You cried when my dad held you the other day.
-you LOVE to stand
-start blinking really fast whenever someone is trying to put a shirt over your head
-grab.every.single.thing. so, so grabby.
-getting up on all fours. Maybe you will crawl in a month...or three.
-you turn your wrists allllll the time. Adelyn did the exact same thing.
-you LOVE to stand
-start blinking really fast whenever someone is trying to put a shirt over your head
-grab.every.single.thing. so, so grabby.
-getting up on all fours. Maybe you will crawl in a month...or three.
-you turn your wrists allllll the time. Adelyn did the exact same thing.
-you seem to suck your thumb when you are in pain...verdict is still out on that.
-you are mostly sitting on our own. I usually put a boppy around you so you don't whack your head on the ground.
-you love your jumperoo.
-you are the happiest baby alive. Most people can not believe how smiley you are.
-you are loving the toys.
-still lots of poop issues. So annoying.
-think your siblings are the funniest people ever. And the most annoying. ;)
-you are not a fan of solid foods. We started you out on avocados and you got a rash all over your face, had diarrhea and a nagging cough the next day. So we won't be doing that again. We tried oatmeal and you tolerated it. We tried for a couple days and you never really loved it. You would eat a max of 5 bites. Then you would get whiny/cry and want nothing to do with it. We have stopped for now. I'm going to cook up some sweet potatoes and see what you do. Never had a kid who didn't like food before...
-you are not a fan of solid foods. We started you out on avocados and you got a rash all over your face, had diarrhea and a nagging cough the next day. So we won't be doing that again. We tried oatmeal and you tolerated it. We tried for a couple days and you never really loved it. You would eat a max of 5 bites. Then you would get whiny/cry and want nothing to do with it. We have stopped for now. I'm going to cook up some sweet potatoes and see what you do. Never had a kid who didn't like food before...
-sleep on your belly
-are starting to roll. You will occasionally roll from your belly to your back while you are playing.
I can see Joelle in him this month! So funny, when we go out everyone things they all look identical.

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