We had lots of fun while Daddy was home on break. He was off for a total of TWO weeks. He had to go in one day for inventory but that was it. We had lots of fun and it always makes the massive amount of Christmas parties less eventful.
Sleeping babies in the tub. Who is who?!
B and J had to have their well-child visit while Daddy was home. They had to have 4 shots each. Neither of them cried. They both told me they wanted too. I'm not sure which is sadder... Speaking of 4 shots for each kid. They both limped around for 3 days after. They had these monstrous bruises and were SERIOUSLY limping. :(

He is a stud muffin.
We always cuddle on the couch with costume jewelry and winter hats on.
Red Robin for lunch one day. Adorable pictures and funny pictures with my boys. No, for once, Lincoln is not eating. He was sleeping.

Crabby patty got put in the Ergo on my back for the first time. Thank you You-Tube. "The first time, be sure to place your baby in the Ergo over the couch, so they have a soft landing if they fall." Duly noted.
We loooove puzzles. The best part? B and J really got into it this year.
We made it a mission to put together all of our puzzles. We had some random pieces I had found in a drawer that needed a home. We did all but 2. Not sure how many that was but probably about 10.
Adelyn wanted to dress alike and wear a scarf. So we did. Love her.
We went to see The Penguins of Madagascar. It was really dumb. Not BAD for the kids to watch. Just dumb.
Eric's parents always give us money for Christmas. Some of my presents I bought myself. I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a new wallet. Definitely before we were married. This one better last me as long.
Adelyn promptly built her Cinderella castle. She is obsessed. I can not tell you how many times she has taken apart her Lego sets and put them back together.
So thankful that Eric gets time off from work. We LOVE having him home. Sadly no pictures of him. Huh. I should fix that..
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