Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lincoln::8 months

Can you believe this little man is *8* months?!  Me either.  Probably because he already feels like a toddler.  And looks like one too.

-22 pounds on the scale at home.  Bigger and longer than any of the other kids were at ONE YEAR.
-switched you to a rear facing upright car seat.  You were getting too long for the baby seat.  Your feet hung out the end.
-12 month/12-18 month clothes
-size 3 diaper during the day, 4 at night.
-you nurse 5/6 times a day.  Usually 5.  Somewhere around 8:30, 12:30, 4:30 and 7:30.  Then once in the middle of the night.  Eat around 6 ounces of food at supper and are just starting to do a lunch of cut up banana, peaches or black beans.
-so hard to find foods that you can work on your pincher grasp with.  Cheerios and the like are out of the question.  I thought of black beans but all you want to do with those is throw them on the floor...unless I feed them to you with a fork.  Not too worried.  Most certainly something you will pick up on, someday.
-not picky at all.  Will eat anything.  Made chicken soup the other day.  Pureed it up, you gobbled it down.  Anything green goes straight down the hatch.  You get super excited when I pull our your applesauce though ;)
-still are amazing at sitting and playing.  So happy.
-you have mastered pulling yourself out of a sit and onto your belly.  The backwards crawl is mastered.  You also have a mean army crawl, when you are motivated.  Your downward dog is excellent.  Need to work on forward motions next.
-you are starting to reach for people...erm...me.
-you nap twice a day.  Sometimes you nap in the car a third time.  Just depends where we are and what we have done that day.
-you adore your blanket
-love to take bathes
-no paci
-will take a bottle like a champ
-haven't sucked your thumb in a while...so strange
-you CONSTANTLY turn your wrists.  Constantly.
-NO teeth
-love, love, love to laugh
-still have food sensitivities.  I strictly avoid gluten.  Avoid most dairy.  I am pretty hooked on Kerrygold butter now.  I usually eat it for a couple days and then take a break for a couple days.  That's the max on dairy ;)  I can always tell when I eat one to many Larabars too.  Your face will all break out in a rash...
  -still have lots of poop issues.  A mixture of STRONG probiotics, prunes and black beans are keeping it in check.

All the bebe's at 8 months.

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