Friday, November 21, 2014

Sledding…in November!

When we had all that snow I wanted to take the kids sledding so badly.  It was SO cold and windy for the first little while, so I didn't.  Friday looked like a beautiful day so we asked Nana to watch Lincoln and we walked on over to the hills.  Joelle slid in front of the girl that's walking up.  Whoops.

I missed my chance to get a picture of Adelyn going down the hill so she said "Here."  and plopped down in her sled and smiled at me. 

Brecken and Joelle wanted to go down like this.  So I said whatever.

And off they went.  They went down quite a few times like this.

Rosy cheeks!  So much fun.
Everybody is at a fun age to do things with.  Nobody would let me ride with them though.  They wanted to do it all by themselves.  And they did.  I think I got to go about 4 times.  I just stayed at the top of the hill and watched them.  We went down one last time to get to the other side and I went with Brecken.  He didn't want me to go with him so he cried the whole way down.  Then I pulled him back up the hill still crying.

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