Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Phone Dump

Apparently the theme this month is sleeping.  Mainly for Joelle and Lincoln.

Cuddles on the couch.

I had a serious headache one day and I had all the lights off in the house.  Apparently Joelle thought it was night time.

Hey!  I can eat these!  Whenever he wears this outfit we sing "What does the fox say?!"  His onesie has a fox on it.


Oils!!!  I'm pretty excited about them.  Those and Expo markers apparently.

Mr Lincoln sleeping in his crib.  Err..  Closet.

Slathered him in an almond lotion that contains both almonds and soy.  This is what happened :(

Adelyn worked on this in Sunday school.  "Kind" was the theme.  Before you think that voluptuous person is actually a person, it is not.  It is a walking butterfly.  Duh.  And the upside down baby?  That's Lincoln falling off the couch.  Which she proudly told me while we were at church.  Sounds kind, huh?  He did that a few weeks ago.  {Nobody assisted him either}  Never fear, he is fine.  He landed on his back and our couches aren't that far off the ground.

Princes(ses) can do the dishes too.

Apparently Lincoln's picture theme is going to be pictures of him sleeping while I nurse him.

Cuddles with my littlest squeeze.

B and J just started "not napping."  In hopes that the J-meister will stay in her bed at night.  She is really following through on not napping.  I was reading books to her and looked over.  Well then.  Guess I wasn't very entertaining.  She is our little co-sleeper.  No amount of bribing or tough talking has convinced her to stay in her bed.  We told her if she stayed in her bed for 30 days (complete with sticker chart) we would buy her an Elsa doll.  She cried when I told her that because she wants to sleep in our bed so badly.  I can't be mean to her about it either because I know I will regret it when she is older.  This too shall pass.

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