Monday, November 17, 2014

Lincoln::4 months

Mr. Lincoln, you are so fun.  You are starting to really have a personality and an opinion.  You are the easiest baby.  Ever.  Except for the barfing...  We love you loads.

Those wet spots are not barf.  They are drool.  He is a machine.
- 16lbs 12oz, 80th percentile
-25.5in, 74th percentile Not sure this is even accurate.  She didn't straighten his leg all the way out.  And he was 25.5 on the nephrologist 3 weeks ago.  He goes to the nephrologist, his ped and the allergist in January so we will see how many different lengths we get then ;)
-head is the 98th percentile.  We grow them large at the Fitz's.
-size 2 diaper during the day, 3 at night
-you are a most excellent sleeper.  11-13 hours at night.  You usually take 2 1 hour naps and a 2-3 hour nap.
-you eat every 3-4 hours during the day
-you jibber jabber alllllll the time.  And you like to do it while you are falling asleep.  It's hilarious.  Sometimes you will wake up at 6am and we listen to you talk for half an hour until you go back to sleep.
-you smile all.the.time and you will smile at anyone
-you LOVE to stand
-still loving the thumb
-you LOVE sitting in the bumbo
-we let a friend borrow our jumperoo and we got it back a couple weeks ago.  You love it.
-you are starting to mimic sounds.  You made a sound, then I made it, then you made it, now it's a game.
-love laying under your play gym again.  Probably because you actually know what to do with the toys now.
-you never poop.  Only once every 1.5-2 weeks.  Craziness.
 -sleep on your belly
-still have lots of food issues.  Our ped is 100% convinced there is no way possible it could be gluten.  Her words, not mine.  She does think dairy could be an issue.  Long story short she wanted to do a couple more things to eliminate possibilities.  We tried him on reflux meds.  HA!  Those didn't work.  She told me they should start working in a couple days but give it a week for sure.  Umm, no.  Lots of barf.  No relief.  And his barf changed.  So I think the meds messed up his tummy even more.  I stopped at day 5.  She wanted me to pump one of his feeds to see if he was getting too much.  I pumped one morning (so the time of the day when there is the most) and got almost 6 ounces.  Which is definitely not a crazy amount.  So that day I called the allergist and made the appointment.  We have had paperwork there for over 2 months but I couldn't bring myself to set it up.  At 6 months, they will only be able to do limited testing so he probably will have to go back and get it all done again.  But at least it's a start.  And then {maybe} I won't have to feel so bad about what I eat.  We are currently using a digestive blend of EO's on his tummy and feet and we have had the least amount of barf, consecutively, than we have had his whole life.  So I'm slightly hopeful they are actually working.  Eric refuses to participate and says I might as well wave a chicken leg over him.  But he isn't complaining about the lack of barf ;)

Sibling love.  Don't look so scared.

Now you should look scared.  Very scared.

Everyone at 4 months!
Adelyn Baptism 004
 B 4 months

J 4 months

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