Saturday, October 11, 2014

TruWoman 2014

Lincoln and I and a whoooooooooole bunch of friends from church headed to Indy for the weekend for the TruWoman conference.  It was an amazing weekend.  It was great to be away and there were some amazing speakers too.  We went to

Lincoln did a lot of sleeping.  I brought him into the conferences with me most of the time.  I only had to sit in the nursing mother's room once.  Most of the time people told me they didn't even know he was there... ;)

We shared a room with Tiff and Joy.  It was a really nice room!

Lincoln sleeping in his box.

L chewing on his rag

Tiff was swaying with Sadie and Sadie was just stroking Tiff's face while she did.  So sweet.

Our hotel was right around the corner from "the circle."  This statue/monument was in the middle of it and it was really neat.

Lincoln and I in front of it.  He spent a lot of time in the carrier.

Sleeping on the way home.  He would crrrrrrrrrrrrry for 10/15 minutes and then he was out.  He did so well.

It was so refreshing to go out with a bunch of friends to a Christian women's conference.  

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