Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Phone Dump

Family pictures in the middle of the month and I wanted a vest for Lincoln.  This is a 0-3 month vest and he is in 3-6 month clothes.  We scratched the vest.

Some friends got this for L and I had to squish him in it one last time for a picture.  One of our favorite outfits.

Princess Brecken.

When we got our oil changed they noticed that the transmission gasket was leaking and wanted to charge us $250 for it.  I told them I was going to think about it.  I called our transmission place and they did it for free.  While we were there B and J both had to use the restroom realllllly badly.  A watched L for me. 

I have been reading (and reading) about how it's sooooo good for you to use feet in your broth so I asked the farm if I could have some.  She charged me $1 for these.  I opened the bag up and practically barfed.  Literally.  Only time my stomach has ever turned in all my fresh meat/chicken broth making endeavors.  They looked just like baby hands.  I chickened out (no pun intended) and hacked the legs off to use those and threw the feet away.  I told Eric somebody was going to call the police on us because we had all kinds of baby hands in our trash.  I had these horrible visions of opening my pressure cooker full of broth and all these hands rising to the surface.
I have since seen the light and took home all the turkey legs when we butchered turkeys.  I figured out how to do it so they were clean and have been using them faithfully.

No phone dump would be complete without a picture of Lincoln.  Sleeping.

Kinda embarrassing when you can't even see the UPS man behind the boxes...
They were repaving our road that day so we had lots of free entertainment.  Hence the big thing in the background.

Snuggles with my littlest lady.

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