Friday, October 17, 2014

Lincoln::3 months


- 15.5lbs on the scale at home
-6 month clothes
-size 2 diaper during the day, 3 at night
-sleeping is hit or miss.  Seriously depends on what I eat.  If you get gluten or dairy you are up once in the middle of the night to eat.  If I have had a good diet, you sleep through until morning.  Which can be anywhere from 9-12 hours.  Depending on when you went to bed.
-you eat every 3-4 hours during the day
-you are the best napper.  About 1.5 hours after you eat you will sleep for an hour'ish.  About once a day you take a 2-3 hour nap.
-starting to talk more and more.  It's so cute.  Adelyn thinks it's hilarious because she thinks you sound like a girl.  I told her all babies sound like that.
-you smile all.the.time and you will smile at anyone
-you went to a conference with momma and half the time people didn't know you where there because you never cry
-sometimes you suck on your thumb.  Other times it's your hand
-you LOVE sitting in the bumbo
-you think Adelyn is the funniest person ever
-we went to a friends house and they have a baby a couple months older than you.  You guys were talking back and forth and smiling so much.  Soooo cute.
-you never poop.  Only once every 1.5-2 weeks.  Craziness.
 -sleep on your belly
-we always say give you a cloth and a boob, you would be the happiest baby ever.  If we just sit you in your bumbo with your burp cloth you just sit there and chew on it.  Such a happy baby.

Of course everyone had to take pictures with you :)

Little boys.

 Everybody at 3 months.
Adelyn 051



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