Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lincoln::2 Months

Oh little Lincoln.  It's been a whirlwind of a couple months.  When you were 2 weeks old we found out you have water on your kidneys.  They wanted to do a VCUG but I said no way.  After your 2 month appointment she was really insistent on having it done.  I just agreed since they won't stop bugging me until it's done.  Then we will know exactly what we are dealing with.  You also went through a period of time where you spit up buckets.  Just buckets.  You would spit up from when I stopped nursing you until I started nursing you again.  I started keeping track of what I was eating and anything with even trace amounts of gluten was causing you to puke.  So strictly GF I am.  You have always had AWFUL gas.  Just AWFUL.  We have noticed your tummy super distended before too.  I eliminated all dairy, including butter, and you don't have that anymore.  I have noticed the awful vomiting with tree nuts (plain ole nuts don't seem to bother you) but haven't tried eating them again because I get real sick of being covered in vomit all the time.  I mentioned all your issues to your ped and she, surprisingly, concurred with everything.  She said I'm going to have to be SUPER careful introducing foods.  She also said if what I'm doing is working keep doing it and we can discuss allergy testing further down the road.  They don't typically like to do that until after 6 months..  GF, DF, tree nut free.  It's a wonderful existence I lead.  I've also taken you to the chiro.  She did some testing on you and confirmed a severe gluten problem, dairy problem and tree nut problem.  We shall see what eventually comes of it.  The only good thing is that I figured it all out and you are gaining a very steady rate.  Could you imagine what would have happened if I had been on a "normal" diet?!  Yikes.

*14lbs 4oz, 90th percentile
*23 1/2in, 75th percentile
*head is in the 97th percentile
*our longest and biggest baby
*size 1 diaper during the day, size 2 at night
*nicknames Linc, little Lincoln, Sir Lincoln, Charles Barfsley
*we are all across the board with a "schedule."  4th child syndrome.  Schedule's are officially overrated.  You went a week straight sleeping 12 hours.  Then you went back to your down between 8 and 9, up between 5 and 6 and back down until 9ish schedule.  Now we are at 13-14ish straight hours at night.  During the day you eat every 3-3 1/2 hours.  When you do wake at night it literally takes me 5-10 minutes to get you back asleep.  You seem to just want a little snack.
*3 month and 3-6 month clothes.  I have your 6 month clothes out and they are only slightly too big.
*paci free is the way too be.
*will tolerate a bottle.  When you are absolutely starving.  
*smiles allllllll the time.  You are such a happy baby.
*loving the bumbo.  You have HATED lying flat on your back, so the play gym thing is out.  I thought you were so big you would just kinda support yourself in the bumbo and you do.  You have started to actually enjoy laying on your back, I think because your tummy doesn't bother you anymore.
*started grabbing toys.
*have been finding your thumb more and more.
*you are a belly sleeper.
*tolerated your shots like a champ.  You were a bit fussy in the afternoon but fine by night.

These pictures aren't the greatest.  I need to start doing it while the kids are sleeping.  They want to sit by you to take a picture.  You weren't having everyone poking at you.  So this is the best I got.

Stop taking pictures.

This is literally where B sat the whole time I was taking pictures.

 Adelyn and Brecken at 2 months.
Adelyn 008
  Feb 2011 061
Joelle at 2 months.
Feb 2011 045

I'm starting to see some of everyone in him.  He has Joelle's nose and big lips.  A lot of Brecken and Adelyn in him.  We shall see!

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