Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School::2014

Adelyn had her first day of "real" school.  She will be going to Holland Christian on Wednesday's.  She is SO excited.  We have been so back and forth on the whole school thing that she wasn't sure what she would get to do.  We have various reasons for homeschooling, that I don't feel like getting into now.  Maybe someday I will do a whole post on it;)

She picked what she wanted to wear.  Love that she wants to be a little baker when she grows up!

Adelyn at her locker.

We had some errands to do after.  We ran to the Credit Union and I never let them get the suckers.  Suckers are messy.  I had to sign some fraud papers so I had them sit down and wait.  And eat a sucker.  They were thrilled. ;)

After we went to JP's.  I had to get them each a cookie because Brecken wanted the chocolate one.   Joelle still didn't eat her cookie.  I should have got her a bag of chips.  She is her father's daughter.

When we got back to school, I wanted to grab a picture of Adelyn in front of the sign.  Her teacher had just given her a sucker and this was as good as I got. ;)

Had to get pictures with the twinkies too!

We have been loving our schooling choices so far!  Here's to hoping I don't make my kids dumb ;)

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