Saturday, September 6, 2014

JBZ::Daddy Edition

We had a random free weekend and wanted to make a trip to the zoo with daddy...because he doesn't get to go very often.  We packed up a supper and headed out.

They released some monarchs a day or two prior and apparently they hung around the zoo.  This one wouldn't leave Eric alone for the longest time.  It landed on his finger quite a few times and he let it go, then it landed on his shirt.  So he just walked around with it.

Love the new bear exhibit.  You can officially count their teeth.

The tigers were up close and personal.  One had a big gash on it's side from fighting with the other one.



One of our favorite parks.  You do have to time it just right though.  If it's super busy, it's super annoying.

Thankful for warm weather and Daddy coming to the zoo with us.

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