Friday, October 31, 2014


We went to trick or treat downtown Holland and the kids were soooo excited.

We asked Joelle to put her arms around them and she put her bag in her mouth :)

Had to finish up the adventure with a trip to see the other Elsa and Anna's.

Eric and I had a Halloween/birthday party to go too and we were Fred and Wilma.  Lincoln went as Bam Bam.  Sadly we have no pictures of his costume.

Cupcakes I made for the party.



We had a really good laugh about what people were thinking as we drove down the road.

My mom felt really bad for our children.  They didn't have any pumpkins carved.  So she picked some up and carved some with them while I was out one afternoon.  Adelyn actually carved hers by herself.  Brecken and Joelle....tried.


Actual Halloween night was sooooo cold and windy that I told Eric I was staying home.  Lincoln and I hung out on the couch and Eric took the kids trick or treating.  They only made it down our street before they came home freeeeeeeeeeezing cold.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Phone Dump

Family pictures in the middle of the month and I wanted a vest for Lincoln.  This is a 0-3 month vest and he is in 3-6 month clothes.  We scratched the vest.

Some friends got this for L and I had to squish him in it one last time for a picture.  One of our favorite outfits.

Princess Brecken.

When we got our oil changed they noticed that the transmission gasket was leaking and wanted to charge us $250 for it.  I told them I was going to think about it.  I called our transmission place and they did it for free.  While we were there B and J both had to use the restroom realllllly badly.  A watched L for me. 

I have been reading (and reading) about how it's sooooo good for you to use feet in your broth so I asked the farm if I could have some.  She charged me $1 for these.  I opened the bag up and practically barfed.  Literally.  Only time my stomach has ever turned in all my fresh meat/chicken broth making endeavors.  They looked just like baby hands.  I chickened out (no pun intended) and hacked the legs off to use those and threw the feet away.  I told Eric somebody was going to call the police on us because we had all kinds of baby hands in our trash.  I had these horrible visions of opening my pressure cooker full of broth and all these hands rising to the surface.
I have since seen the light and took home all the turkey legs when we butchered turkeys.  I figured out how to do it so they were clean and have been using them faithfully.

No phone dump would be complete without a picture of Lincoln.  Sleeping.

Kinda embarrassing when you can't even see the UPS man behind the boxes...
They were repaving our road that day so we had lots of free entertainment.  Hence the big thing in the background.

Snuggles with my littlest lady.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Frederick Meijer Gardens

The kids had been begging and begging to go to "The Butterfly Place" and I kept telling them I was waiting for a warm day.  It finally struck and off we went.  We packed up a lunch and headed out.

Walking through the indoor gardens.  They love looking at all the cactus' different flowers and trees.

They had some art pieces that the kids actually wanted to see.  These were blocks made out of old clothes.


This was a bunch of copper wires all twisted together.

They had signs up all over not to tough the art.  We had to have a few reminders about it.  They asked why they couldn't touch it and I went into how their fingerprints could be dirty or they could accidentally scrape part of the art.  While we were sitting down for lunch Adelyn got really quiet and said "Momma, I touched a piece of art.  I'm really sorry."  I thanked her for telling me and reminded her not to touch it next time.  She is such a sweet and honest girl.

We didn't have much at home for veggies and pretzels it was.

Walking around outside, this sweet little bear took a nap.

I wouldn't go ahead and say that 55 was warm enough to play in the water but they didn't care.

Should remember to go back in the summer when it's actually warm out!!!

We love going...if only it weren't so far away.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lincoln::3 months


- 15.5lbs on the scale at home
-6 month clothes
-size 2 diaper during the day, 3 at night
-sleeping is hit or miss.  Seriously depends on what I eat.  If you get gluten or dairy you are up once in the middle of the night to eat.  If I have had a good diet, you sleep through until morning.  Which can be anywhere from 9-12 hours.  Depending on when you went to bed.
-you eat every 3-4 hours during the day
-you are the best napper.  About 1.5 hours after you eat you will sleep for an hour'ish.  About once a day you take a 2-3 hour nap.
-starting to talk more and more.  It's so cute.  Adelyn thinks it's hilarious because she thinks you sound like a girl.  I told her all babies sound like that.
-you smile all.the.time and you will smile at anyone
-you went to a conference with momma and half the time people didn't know you where there because you never cry
-sometimes you suck on your thumb.  Other times it's your hand
-you LOVE sitting in the bumbo
-you think Adelyn is the funniest person ever
-we went to a friends house and they have a baby a couple months older than you.  You guys were talking back and forth and smiling so much.  Soooo cute.
-you never poop.  Only once every 1.5-2 weeks.  Craziness.
 -sleep on your belly
-we always say give you a cloth and a boob, you would be the happiest baby ever.  If we just sit you in your bumbo with your burp cloth you just sit there and chew on it.  Such a happy baby.

Of course everyone had to take pictures with you :)

Little boys.

 Everybody at 3 months.
Adelyn 051



Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall Family Pictures

We had fall family pictures taken by the fabulous Felicia Holland.  This must have been the photo session for faces.  Or we just have a couple of three-year-olds who are, well, three-year-olds.  We did get some really good ones and the other ones just remind me of them being them and that's why I love them.  I kept the family picture out that will be on our Christmas card.  You will just have to hope you get one in the mail ;)

I'm pretty sure Brecken and Lincoln have the same look on their face.

I can not even tell you how many times we said "Ooohhh Brecken..." in this session.

He is kind of a stud muffin though.  Although I am admitting his hair was too long.  I have since hacked it off.  Still long.  Just not as long.


Pretty little lady.

When did she turn 17?!


And this little one.  He is a keeper.

If I had to pick one picture, this one is it.  I love it.


Adelyn looks like she is going to punch Brecken.  There was, literally, lots of sibling love today.

Like I said.. ;)

Melts my heart.  She was jealous that Adelyn got to hold him for one of the pictures.  So she wanted to hold him too.

Cutie patootie.

We tried to get this one a couple times.  The first time L started crying.  This time B and J were done.  And L was more interested in A's buttons.  But I did still get a big one to put on the wall.  Because it is adorable.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

TruWoman 2014

Lincoln and I and a whoooooooooole bunch of friends from church headed to Indy for the weekend for the TruWoman conference.  It was an amazing weekend.  It was great to be away and there were some amazing speakers too.  We went to

Lincoln did a lot of sleeping.  I brought him into the conferences with me most of the time.  I only had to sit in the nursing mother's room once.  Most of the time people told me they didn't even know he was there... ;)

We shared a room with Tiff and Joy.  It was a really nice room!

Lincoln sleeping in his box.

L chewing on his rag

Tiff was swaying with Sadie and Sadie was just stroking Tiff's face while she did.  So sweet.

Our hotel was right around the corner from "the circle."  This statue/monument was in the middle of it and it was really neat.

Lincoln and I in front of it.  He spent a lot of time in the carrier.

Sleeping on the way home.  He would crrrrrrrrrrrrry for 10/15 minutes and then he was out.  He did so well.

It was so refreshing to go out with a bunch of friends to a Christian women's conference.