Since this is our last baby, my body has decided to go out with a bang. I've been SUPER nauseous the whole time. Throwing up hasn't been terrible-I only have twice. Just feeling disgusting in general has seemed much worse. And being tired. Oh my word. I didn't remember feeling like this with my other two and Eric kept telling me the same thing. "Isn't this much worse than before?" Constipation was beyond terrible. Beyond. (I wasn't going to put that but decided I discuss my children's poop so I better open it up and discuss mine.) I know all these things can be normal with pregnancy but they just weren't adding up with MY typical pregnancies. I did notice a huge correlation with milk and the way I felt. I've always been somewhat lactose intolerant but it seemed to go to another level being pregnant. It doesn't seem to bother me as much with other dairy products but any milk/heavy cream type product does me in. Since realizing this I've also noticed a huge correlation with my lower back pain and consuming dairy. The only thing that ever sounds good to me, in the first trimester, is carbs. So consuming them I was. One night, after feeling particularly yucky, all I had for supper/throughout the night was 3 pieces of toast. That night I had some of the worst chest/abdomen gas-like pains. Like so bad I was in tears. It wasn't (ahem) producing anything. Just awful pains. I started googling gluten intolerance in pregnancy and turns out things like that can happen. The next day we went to my parents for lunch and my dad had a huge fish fry. He uses pancake mix for the batter. That afternoon I felt terrible. Starting to notice a correlation? I decided to cut out gluten. Eric thought I was off my rocker. We were at my parents all day, staying for supper. Ribs, cheesy potatoes (with corn flakes), cheesy bread and white jello were all on the menu. I had some ribs, cheesy potatoes (picking the topping off) and white jello. That night was the first night I didn't feel terrible my whole pregnancy. I have officially been gluten-free since last Thursday. Over the past weekend I stopped at the health food store and picked up a couple things. Then I wanted to cry. Talk about not a lot of options. And the options they do have are super-expensive. I ended up picking up a box of rice macaroni, rice pasta and GF oats. For $20. I ate the whole box of macaroni in one sitting. And paid dearly for the couple tablespoons of milk I added to it. *Sigh* I asked a friend what her favorite GF flour blend was. I don't have a blender capable of blending nuts fine enough for flour so I wanted something I could buy. I don't care about mixing flours but also don't want to pay $20 for 2lbs. {Health food store prices} I ended up ordering some Better Batter from Vitacost (rice flour but all pre-blended with xantham gum and things necessary to make it cooperate). I ordered a whole bunch of GF oats. Which are HALF the price of the health food store. Krista responded back with what they are using now. Einkorn flour is an super old grain....that hasn't been hybridized throughout the years. Here's a great article explaining it much better. She offered to give me a bag to try because I was super hesitant to order a whole bunch of it (from Tuscany!) if it didn't work. I got that baggie of flour and, let me tell you, I couldn't have been more excited. She also enclosed a hunk of her {SUPER YUMMY} homemade bread. I promptly ate 2 pieces and Eric had one. We both loved it. I had zero reactions.

I made pancakes for breakfast the next day, finished the hunk of bread for lunch and made pizza crust for supper. We all loved everything.

Based on all I consumed that day I should have been keeled over. I made it through the day, and night, and didn't have any reactions. I ordered a boatload.
I know this is just a trial I need to go through. I love food. Food doesn't have to be my answer for everything. Eliminating gluten and lots of dairy products has been incredibly hard for me. I ate ONE pretzel and felt sick in the past week and a half of not consuming any gluten. Over the past week of not consuming any gluten I've been wishing July would hurry up and get here because I hate not being able to eat what I want. That's a feeling I did NOT want to have, ever, this pregnancy. I know it's my last and I want to cherish every {aching and painful} moment. I have loved being pregnant, before, and I have not loved the past 12 weeks. Since not eating gluten or dairy I haven't taken a nap, I've stayed up late, my appetite for anything has returned, I have felt insanely better {have been pooping normal-thanks for asking} and I know the baby is receiving loads of healthy nutrients...instead of loads of not so healthy nutrients. And July can, officially, take it's time getting here :) We are hoping and praying this is something that is strictly pregnancy related. Hoping and praying it doesn't mean this baby is going to have crazy allergies. Hoping and praying I don't break down, if I don't receive my daily pop-tart. Kidding. Kind of.
I made pancakes for breakfast the next day, finished the hunk of bread for lunch and made pizza crust for supper. We all loved everything.
Based on all I consumed that day I should have been keeled over. I made it through the day, and night, and didn't have any reactions. I ordered a boatload.
I know this is just a trial I need to go through. I love food. Food doesn't have to be my answer for everything. Eliminating gluten and lots of dairy products has been incredibly hard for me. I ate ONE pretzel and felt sick in the past week and a half of not consuming any gluten. Over the past week of not consuming any gluten I've been wishing July would hurry up and get here because I hate not being able to eat what I want. That's a feeling I did NOT want to have, ever, this pregnancy. I know it's my last and I want to cherish every {aching and painful} moment. I have loved being pregnant, before, and I have not loved the past 12 weeks. Since not eating gluten or dairy I haven't taken a nap, I've stayed up late, my appetite for anything has returned, I have felt insanely better {have been pooping normal-thanks for asking} and I know the baby is receiving loads of healthy nutrients...instead of loads of not so healthy nutrients. And July can, officially, take it's time getting here :) We are hoping and praying this is something that is strictly pregnancy related. Hoping and praying it doesn't mean this baby is going to have crazy allergies. Hoping and praying I don't break down, if I don't receive my daily pop-tart. Kidding. Kind of.
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