Tuesday, January 28, 2014

bUmPdate::16 weeks

How far along:: 16 weeks
Heartbeat:: Upper 140's-the lowest any of our babies has been!
Clothes::  All non-maternity.  My jeans are slowly becoming uncomfortable.  Sad.   
Weight Gain: 3 pounds
Movement:: Oh yes.  Quite frequently over the past five or so days.  We were watching a movie in bed on Sunday and I felt the baby on the outside.  Later I felt it two more times, on the outside, so I had Eric put his hand on my belly.  Of course s/he stopped moving.
Symptoms:: Cold.  I'm sure this has nothing to do with the North Pole weather.
Just for my own memory.  In the past 6 weeks I have had a UTI, a reaction to my meds from my UTI resulting in more meds, self-diagnosed Gluten and Dairy intolerance, food poisoning, kidney stones and my token once-a-pregnancy impetigo.  How fun.
What I miss: Gluten
Cravings:: Pop-tarts.  Oh wait.  I can't eat those.
Best moments this week:: Feeling the baby move-on the outside!
What I am looking forward to:: Our US in !!4!! weeks.  To find out or not to find out.  That is the question.
Names:: Aanndd our "favorite" boy name got axed.  It was too feminine.  So 3 boy names.  2 girl names.  We really loathe the naming process.
Funny Moments:: Joelle is convinced she has a baby in her tummy.  But just a pretend one.  I asked her how her baby was going to come out.  "Through my tummy!  Just like yours."  Ha. Ha. Ha.  Adelyn has many talks with God about the baby being a girl.  We tell her it might be a boy.  "Oh no.  I talked to God.  He said He's sending a girl."  Uh-oh.

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