Tuesday, January 14, 2014

bUmPdate::14 weeks

Second trimester!  Woohoo!!
The shadow on this picture is driving my eyeballs batty.  I will be switching it.
How far along:: 14 weeks
Heartbeat:: Chugging along at 150bpm at the doc's office
Clothes::  All non-maternity.   
Weight Gain: -1.5 lbs-due to a recent bout of food poisoning.  The doc's office had me down 7lbs from the last time.  To say the least, they were not thrilled.  I said you shouldn't have weighed me after lunch (last time), I went gluten free and I just had food poisoning.  She informed me my mission for next time is to gain weight.  Duly noted.  Pass the apples.
Movement:: Yes!  Not a ton but I haven't been having near the gas issues I had been having before so I can really tell if it's the baby moving...or gas.  I had coffee the other night and could feel it move and had an ice pack on my back yesterday and was feeling it move.
Symptoms:: Tired.  Cold.  I'd forgotten to mention that one.  I.am.cold.all.the.time.  So odd.
What I miss: My energy level.
Cravings:: Nothing.  Anything I crave generally makes me feel sick.  I ate some of my favorite gummi's last week.  And felt terrible.
Best moments this week:: Feeling the baby move!
What I am looking forward to:: Having a REAL belly.
Names:: 4 boy names-leaning towards one.  2 girls names-leaning towards one. 
Funny Moments:: "How is the baby going to come out?"  That's a popular question.  For now, my response is "God will make a way."  That's been enough to satisfy.  For a not so funny moment, Adelyn has become convinced that when I go to the hospital to have the baby I am going to die.  I heard her tell my mom that, when we announced, and she hasn't talked about it since.  Today, when I told her I had an appt at the hospital, she said she didn't want me to go because I was going to die when I had the baby.  I said "I'm not going to die, why do you think I'm going to die?"  She said "All your bones are going to fall out!"  Umm, not exactly bones per-se...  I assured her my bones were not going to fall out and I would come home with the baby...in July  She was satisfied, for now.

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