Monday, July 15, 2013

Sleeping Beauty/Storm of the Summer

We headed out to bring my cousins our trailer this afternoon.  We are letting them borrow it for the week.  We got to Wabasis lake around 5 and started to set up shop.  It was probably one of THE hottest days of summer and to say I sweat my weight is a vast understatement.  Someone was watching the radar and a storm was coming.  A bad one.  We tried to get everything all set up before the storm hit.  We thought it would pass right over.  Nope.  So then began the run to the van so we could make it home.  I got all three kids buckled in the van and my stuff loaded up in the torrential downpour.  As I was buckling everyone and wiping them all off a HUGE flash of lightning and RESOUNDING thunder hit.  Seriously.  Right on top of us.  Turns out, not right on top of us but rather the trailer park.  We had just bought an extension cord for the trailer, which was getting soaked outside.  The power went off in the trailer and we were sure it was fried.  Since I couldn't do anything in the torrential downpour, my children were terrified in the van and Steve is quite the handy man I just decided to take off.  You don't NEED electricity while camping AND the AC still worked.

We got home around 10:30 and Eric thought I was off my rocker for wanting to give them a bath.  But they had just sweated like crazy, been soaked in a rain storm and splashed in the puddles.  They were taking a bath.

Adelyn found it optional.  She passed out on the bathroom floor.

Sweet sleeping girl.

We DID wake her for a bath.

Come to find out the trailer electricity wasn't fried.  The lightning had just hit something in the trailer park.

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