Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our First Case..

...of the yucky pink eye.  I noticed, earlier in the day, that Adelyn had a big eye booger in her eye.  I thought nothing of it and picked it out.  I picked one out later in the afternoon and, also, thought nothing of it.  Then Eric told me he had done the same earlier.  Things started clicking into place and I looked for a red eye.  She still didn't have one but when I checked again in a couple hours it was definitely turning pink and the goop was starting to swim.  Pink eye.  Sweet.  I ended up taking her to the Urgent Care because it came on so suddenly and I wanted it under control.  While we were waiting Adelyn alternated between thinking it was hilarious and being horrified her "eye was green!"  I had just wiped her eye before the doctor came in and so he was initially thinking it wasn't that bad.  Even though I informed him I had just wiped it out..  Then he pulled her lid back and said "Oh.  I guess it is worse than I thought."  He did prescribe her some drops...that cost me 60 bucks.  Ugh.


Poor baby.  She healed quickly and there was no spreading of germs.  Hand wash, hand wash, hand wash!!!

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