Tuesday, July 23, 2013

E’s 31st Birthday

I rolled out the big ones for Eric's 31st.  He has been commenting, for some time, that my monster cookies would make great ice cream sandwiches.  So, one afternoon close to his birthday, I busted out some cookies, stuffed them with ice cream and thought Adelyn would like to roll them in toppings.

The finished product.

VBS, at Calvary, is always the week of Eric's birthday.  He kinds gets the shaft.  I made it up to him this year.  His family had a family reunion this weekend and we had a cake that I never busted out at the reunion.  So we brought it home and the kids REALLY wanted to sing Happy Birthday to him.  So we obliged and he had to oblige by giving us some senior picture poses with his cake.

Daddy and his three babies.

Happy Birthday to the best daddy ever.

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