Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Millennium Park

We headed to Millennium Park with some friends-we have never been!  I've always wanted to go but finally did this year.  (I didn't believe in water activities with the kids, last year).  It was SO nice.  The water was like bath water and the beach was awesome.  For whatever reason, there was nobody at the window so we didn't have to pay!  Double bonus.  I only had my cell phone so cell phone pictures it is.

Raking water.  That's how it's done.

Floating cuties.

Adelyn and Kaylee

Brecken and Joelle are far to brave with their floaties on.  They will venture anywhere.

We had a blast.  And had to promptly go out and buy ring floaties.  I never thought they would work for that age or that my kids would care, but they thought they were the coolest things ever.

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