Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hillbilly Sledding

We already did the Hillbilly Slip n Slide.  So we had to try out Hillbilly Sledding.  I packed the snow down on half of the stairs and off we went!

This is the view from my slider door.  Blessed.  The trees used to come all the way to our deck.  60 some odd trees were removed.  By us.

I asked Adelyn to try it first.  Once she realized what was happening she jumped off.

                                                                                                     Once Adelyn realized she could push            Surprisingly, Joelle jumped on.                                              her sister to her fate, she was all about it.

Going, going, gone!  She wasn't too pleased with the end results but we all clapped like fools for her, so she didn't get toooo mad. ;)

Little B's turn!
He thought it was HILARIOUS.

The attention span of a two-year-old.
            "Momma! I push?  I push?"                                                               "Ooohhh Airplane!"

Love this picture.  Just love it.

They decided to try on their stomachs next.  They flew right down!

Joelle's getting brave in her old age!  She went down our big slide (on the swing set) without anyone telling her too!

Adelyn's turn!
We had a blast in the backyard today.  We were outside forever.  Adelyn and I pulled the sleds all over the back.  Brecken and Joelle had fun stomping around.  Joelle actually fell in the fire-pit and thought it was hysterical.  I was shocked she laughed at that..  After we exhausted the back, we went for a walk down the street.  So thankful we got outside today, no one cried (too much) and we burned off some energy.

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