Today because it was beautiful out, because this is the last summer I have with Adelyn were I don't have school hanging over my head, because my kids needed a chill-out day at home, because I needed a chill-out day at home and because I needed them to be happy we played outside, in the water, all day. When Adelyn woke up I was working on making some stick boats. She was SO excited about them. She helped me with them and we had to wake Brecken and Joelle up at 10. They were tired. We ate breakfast and headed outside. I tried to make a tin-foil river that I had seen floating around on Pinterest for some time. What a joke. Nothing floated down it. I tried on the grass which is a hill, and on the driveway which is a hill. Nothing. So we busted out a kiddie pool and played in there. After that Adelyn asked to go for a bike ride and I thought it would be fun to bike with her. Ha. That was a mistake I won't make again. I think I pedaled backwards WAY more than I pedaled forwards. I'll walk from now on. It's awesome that she is doing so great at riding a bike but she is nowhere near "fast." We got back around 12:30 and had some lunch and naps. After naps Adelyn and I watched Ina and had to wake up B and J at 4. We headed out back for some hillbilly slip'n'slide fun. I rigged up the hose at the top of our slide and voila! we had a homemade slip'n'slide. Much better than the store bought kind. Adelyn and Brecken loved it. My little chicken Joelle hated it.
Let me just show off my super awesome camera skills with these great action shots.
Little B flying down the slide.
Maybe if she didn't go down the slide like a sack of potatoes (every time) she wouldn't hate it so much. You should've heard her wail.
Super ticked that I sent her down a cold, wet slide.

Can I just squish those cheeks and kiss those lips simultaneously?!
Handsome man
::Some Garden Photos::
Hello delicious basil. I will be making lots of pesto with you...and I should probably pick you since it looks like you are getting flowers at the top.
My first little tomato. It looks like its shaping up to be an excellent year for tomatoes. Bring on the salsa and tomato sauce.
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