Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

We went to the parade in the morning, spread bark at Eric's parents house after that and had Eric's family over at night!  Whew.
We decided to drive to the parade because it was already hot out and we wanted to be able to get over to Eric's parents house ASAP.  I think it was the world's longest Memorial Day parade.  We left after 45 minutes and there was zero sight of the end.  The kids were hot, B and J didn't want to sit still anymore and Adelyn kept showing everyone her underwear.

This top picture is to mainly show you that my favorite jean capris fit again.  There isn't to much fat bulging over the top and they actually button.  Considering I had to start wearing stretchy waist pants at 12 weeks with B and J, it's only been 2 years since they fit.

aanndd this is the best group picture you get with hot and sweaty kids.

A big shout out to my brother who serves in the Marines.  Thank you for all that you do.

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