Monday, May 14, 2012

Duck Pictures-Take 2!

This is our second year of doing the duck mini-sessions with POSH.  Brecken and Joelle participated this year.  Joelle LOVED the ducks.  She loves any type of animal and couldn't have been happier sitting there playing with them.  Brecken must have been in a bad mood.  Maybe because I woke him up from his precious nap.  If I wake that boy out.  The world is ending.  Kasey is an excellent photographer.  She is so awesome with the kids and does such a great job.  My mom and I would be saying "Don't squish the ducks!!"  Kasey would be right behind us saying "It's ok. You won't hurt them.  It's ok." in the calmest voice ever.  Love her.

Adelyn is surprisingly good at handling animals.  She knows to use two hands and doesn't squish to much..

Jojo in her element.  Adorable.

Love this little girl so, so much.

Handsome man.  Refusing to smile.  But still so handsome.

Ha! Stinker baby :)

Sullen.  But cute.

Bahahahahaha.  Cracks me up.  Could she get any further away?!

That's better ;)

Such a pretty little girl..

...aanndd she was the star of the shoot today :)

Happy boy!  Want to know why?  He was jumping on the trampoline.

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