Monday, May 7, 2012

The Dentist

My little lady had her first dentist appointment today.  We had a little snag with babysitting but got it figured out and managed to only be 3 minutes late.  She watched me get my teeth cleaned and chatted the hygienist's ear off.  She is soooo funny.  She thinks anytime we go somewhere it's someone's house.  She told her "I took a little nap and came to your house"  I laughed out loud and then choked because there were 4 instruments and 2 hands in my mouth.  They were letting her push the buttons for the chair and while the dentist was checking my teeth all of a sudden the chair started going up.  The dentist freaked out because she thought she stabbed me but then we all got a huge laugh out of it because Adelyn was pushing the buttons.  Adelyn let the hygienist clean all of her teeth and floss them.  The dentist wasn't at all concerned that she is *still* missing her two year molars and LOVED the spacing in her teeth.  She was told she is an excellent brusher and has zero cavities.

Pretty girl getting her teeth cleaned.

I took her to the City Delicatessen for frozen yogurt tonight because she was such a big girl.  She was soo excited and thoroughly enjoyed her "ice cream."

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