Monday, May 21, 2012

Family Pictures

We had some family pictures done for the first time since August.  That's a long time for us ;)  A friend of a friend did them for us and she was wonderful.  The only sad part is she is pregnant (that's not the sad part) and is going to stop taking pictures after she has her baby (that's the sad part).  She did a really great job with the kids and despite the INSANE (there was a 100% chance of rain-it never did but it did get super windy and black) weather we got some great shots.

LOVE this family shot.  Everyone is looking.  No one is crying.  I can't ask for anything else.

Stopping to smell the flowers.

Handsome boy.  Someone at Eric's work suggested hanging onto the ties so I can do a senior picture of Brecken with a white button down and Eric's tie.  Excellent idea.

She makes me laugh.  Every day.

and is so gorgeous.

The three littles.  Love them.

So pretty.

Pillar Church.  This is us.  5 years and 1 month later ;)

My super helpful, beautiful big girl.

Always trying to get away.  Never stops.  Ha.

Such a sweet girl.

Seriously melts my heart.  I'm just going to pretend she was telling him "I love you."  Because that would just make it complete.

I love that she is holding her Daddy's face.

Love my pretty babies.  Can.not. believe how big they are getting.

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