Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Petting Zoo!

We've been to the zoo quite a few times this year.  This is the first time the petting zoo was open.  Hence the excitement :)  We went with Tiff, Sophia and Charle, Tiff's sister, Joy and her kids, Rachel, Benjamin, Timothy and Solomon.  We were quite the crew!

Adelyn and Benjamin brushing the goat.


                     BEST Friends.                                               Caption::FUTURE ZOO MEMBER STAFF

Adelyn and Sophia attempting to feed a goat.

Most of our crew..except for the babies.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

We went to the parade in the morning, spread bark at Eric's parents house after that and had Eric's family over at night!  Whew.
We decided to drive to the parade because it was already hot out and we wanted to be able to get over to Eric's parents house ASAP.  I think it was the world's longest Memorial Day parade.  We left after 45 minutes and there was zero sight of the end.  The kids were hot, B and J didn't want to sit still anymore and Adelyn kept showing everyone her underwear.

This top picture is to mainly show you that my favorite jean capris fit again.  There isn't to much fat bulging over the top and they actually button.  Considering I had to start wearing stretchy waist pants at 12 weeks with B and J, it's only been 2 years since they fit.

aanndd this is the best group picture you get with hot and sweaty kids.

A big shout out to my brother who serves in the Marines.  Thank you for all that you do.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Family Pictures

We had some family pictures done for the first time since August.  That's a long time for us ;)  A friend of a friend did them for us and she was wonderful.  The only sad part is she is pregnant (that's not the sad part) and is going to stop taking pictures after she has her baby (that's the sad part).  She did a really great job with the kids and despite the INSANE (there was a 100% chance of rain-it never did but it did get super windy and black) weather we got some great shots.

LOVE this family shot.  Everyone is looking.  No one is crying.  I can't ask for anything else.

Stopping to smell the flowers.

Handsome boy.  Someone at Eric's work suggested hanging onto the ties so I can do a senior picture of Brecken with a white button down and Eric's tie.  Excellent idea.

She makes me laugh.  Every day.

and is so gorgeous.

The three littles.  Love them.

So pretty.

Pillar Church.  This is us.  5 years and 1 month later ;)

My super helpful, beautiful big girl.

Always trying to get away.  Never stops.  Ha.

Such a sweet girl.

Seriously melts my heart.  I'm just going to pretend she was telling him "I love you."  Because that would just make it complete.

I love that she is holding her Daddy's face.

Love my pretty babies.  Can.not. believe how big they are getting.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mackinac 2012

We were minus two couples this year for our annual trip.  Hopefully they will be there next year!  We missed them.  This year we went with the Danglers, the Hemmes' and the Bolhuis'  We always stay at the Lakeview.  They have a really nice pool, that the kids love and a really nice hot-tub, that the kids AND the adults love.  We get the same room every year because it is a massive room and it's the standard rate.  We went up Wednesday night and stayed in Mackinac City.  We started way to late and the kids were still awake by the time we got there (10:00).  They woke us up bright and early the next morning (6:30) and Joelle had spent the night in bed with us.  We were over on the island by 9.  We were planning on biking but the kids had a meltdown and desperately needed naps.  We vetoed biking for the day, took real naps and went out for dinner and ice-cream.  

Don't mind everyone's belly hanging out but they wanted to run away..

 We walked out to Arch Rock.  All of a sudden we heard some Italian men screaming in Italian.  This little fellow was why.  Eric joined in on the screaming.

We got there and they had this lovely sign up.  I was all prepared to hop over the sign but, alas, it was all washed out.

Adelyn "fishing" in one of the natural springs.

Joelle was sleeping in the stroller so we were a family of four.

Brecken getting a horsey ride.  Complete with sounds.

Joelle getting a horsey ride.  Complete with sounds.

Brecken taking his turn at napping.  Believe or not the cannon at the fort went off while he was sleeping.

Daddy was trying to take a nap while we were at the park.  This is what happened ;)

When we went biking we got Adelyn the Weehoo.  She LOVED it.

Eating lunch during our bike ride.

Then she fell asleep.  Not so comfortable.

B and Jojo sleeping.  Yes, he always has his paci upside down.

Arch Rock

B and Jojo were we were a family of three ;)

Adelyn always asks to take pictures and this is the best one.

Daddy took Adelyn and Brecken to the Fort while Mommy and Jojo went shopping.

Shooting the musket.

Carriage ride from...far, far down below.  We went with Nate, Joy, William and Sawyer.  We thought it might be to long for William and Adelyn.  How wrong were we.  I'm pretty sure that between Sawyer, Brecken and Joelle someone was crying 75% of the time.  They loved us on that carriage ride.  It was an hour and a half.  That might have been our first, and only, problem.
View of the Grand.

A beautiful church on the island.

St. Ann's Cemetery

See what I mean?  Even when we stopped at Arch Rock for a little walk he was crying.

Having a treat "because she didn't pee all over her bed."

Where there are treats, there is Brecken.

Jojo had one too ;)

Adelyn swimming.  Be super impressed.  She was definitely the least interested during swim class but she must have picked up on some things!  She loved swimming around with her little swimmies on.

He was NOT impressed with the pool.  We went swimming every other day and he loved it.  Sunday..not so much.

Little fishie

Momma and her babies

Adelyn and William swimming

B was much happier when he could be in the hot tub.  They both loved it in there.

Adelyn and William warming up

Aren't they the cutest pair of twins you have ever seen?!  I certainly think so.

So, so much fun.  Can't wait for Mackinac 2013!