Our car seats came a couple days ago and I hauled them out of the boxes to try them out! So excited about these seats-they will be the seats B and J are in for the rest of their car seat careers. They convert from a five point harness to using the seat belt AND the back comes off so it can be just a booster. AWESOME. They are forward facing only so I will probably switch them out in a couple weeks. They both are starting to loathe the infant seat..can't say that I blame them since they are almost longer than it..
Ahh!!! My babies look so big!

Slightly minor inconvenience (which is turning into a major inconvenience)-Joelle's seat was manufactured in 2009 which means that it's going to expire before she turns 8 (Brecken's was manufactured 2 months ago). I called Walmart up and demanded a new one sent to my home (site-store can take forever sometimes). So we got the new one and it HAS THE SAME DATE ON IT. ARGH! I spent 15 minutes on the phone yesterday and almost had everything ironed out when the lady accidentally(?) hung up on me. So I spent 30 minutes (no joke-I looked when I hung up) on the phone today telling the lady everything and to please put in the order notes that I want one manufactured in 2011...so hopefully the next one isn't so old. Here's to hoping the third time is the charm..because if it isn't I'm going to want my money back AND a new seat!
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