Wednesday, November 30, 2011


UPDATED UPDATE::We went to our favorite place tonight, Costco.  While I was in line to get food Eric was sitting at the table with Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle.  He was asking Adelyn about her day, what did you do, who did you see, did you take a good nap etc.  She said "You talk to Brecken and Jojo, Daddy."

A couple minutes later he got up to go to the bathroom and started walking away.  Well, Adelyn and her love of public restrooms decided she had to go to.  Side note: Eric hates taking her in public because she holds onto the sides of the's restrooms are pretty gross.  Eric says to me "Great. Now I don't get to go."  I said "Why?"  He said "Well, I'm not going to have her stand by me at the urinal."  I said "Use a stall."  He said "Thanks."  While in there Eric went to the bathroom and Adelyn kept saying over and over "Look at you, big boy!!"  Bahahahaha.

UPDATE::Just now she was biting her fingernails (a horrible habit she can thank her father for..if habits can be inherited..or just picked up on from watching him do it).  I think it's disgusting.  I said to her "Stop it!  Why do you do that?"  I have asked her many times and she normally doesn't she responded with "There's a tail on mys finger!!"  Now, what am I supposed to say to that?!?!?!

Sometimes Lakota will growl at people when they are stepping on her/smooshing her/etc.  Can't say I blame her..she never does anything more than growl, FYI.  One day I heard Adelyn say "No, Koya!! You no like it, you move!!"  when Lakota growled at Joelle.

Adelyn went downstairs to get her "baby bears," a bear set my great Uncle and Aunt got her and I hear her come (almost) crying up the stairs, "Momma! Mys baby bears all gone! Momma bear, daddy bear, babies bears all gone!  Cookie monster got em!"  The cookie monster gets everything lately..

I had cut up some turkey bacon for beans I had simmering on the stove, washed my hands and then put Adelyn down for a nap.  While Adelyn was reading to me, a part of the book says to kiss the baby's hands, so she kissed my hands, let go and said "Is that turkey?"

I was holding Brecken and he dropped his paci, I was also talking to my sister at the same time, Adelyn picked up the paci and said "here ya go, momma."  I didn't respond or take it right away and she said "HELLO?!?!!?"

The other day we were driving down the road right after naps and I hear her start cackling (yes, sometimes she cackles).  She said "Your welcome for staying in mys big girl bed"  I said "Yes! Thank you!"  She said "I had too."

On the way home from picking up some shoes for Brecken she says to me "Did you get shoes for Mister B?"  Ha!

One day I bribed her with some McDonalds french fries to get her moving and after we picked them up from the drive-thru I hear her sniffing in her car seat.  She said "I smell somepin! I smell fries!"  Then she keeps sniffing.

One morning at the breakfast table she said "Mommy have to take a shower?"  I said "yep"  She said "Mommy smells."  Thanks.  Thanks a lot.

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