My little babies turned 11 months. In 1 month I am going to have to say year..eep. I have sent the invites for their birthday party and I am excited for the big day! It will be loads of fun :) So, so much has changed in the past 11 months..I'll save all that for another post.
-you weigh 22 lbs
-you wear 12 month clothes and some 12-18 month clothes
-a size 3 diaper during the day and a 4 at night
-we are down to nursing twice a was a rough couple days but you got over it
-you eat (A LOT) 3 times a day.
-you are our pickiest eater. with that being said you aren't that picky..
-you wear a size 3 shoe
-you started walking a couple of days after you turned 10 months. you now essentially walk everywhere.
-you clap and wave like a champ
-you are one brave daredevil of a boy. not much will make you cry when you hurt yourself and when you do cry it's generally short lived.
-you where pretty crabby last week but you were getting your two top teeth. one has poked through and the other is still working on it.
-every time I am in the kitchen you are generally whining at my legs. I have decided it's because you think I am going to get you something to eat.
-you take 2 great naps a day and sleep 11-12 hours at night.
-you are still not a fan of your car seat but hopefully that will change when you are facing forwards..and sitting upright.
-you can drink out of a sippy cup but usually refuse to. that's going to be fun..
-you are constantly getting into trouble. so very different than the girls. if there is something in a room you are not supposed to do or not supposed to get into you are there. you love getting into the toilet paper. it constantly looks like a mouse got into our tp.
-you can go upstairs but not down.
-love all boy stuff. you are always playing with the ball, banging something on something and you have figured out how to put the cars down the track.
Adelyn at 11 months
-you weigh 21.8lbs
-you wear 12 month clothes and 12-18 month clothes
-a size 3 shoe
-size 3 diaper during the day and a 4 at night.
-nurse twice a day
-eat 3 meals a day
-believe it or not you eat the least of anybody
-you LOVE all kinds of food, just like your big sister :)
-you take 2 naps and sleep 11-12 hours at night
-you have a very VERY! strong personality. I said to Daddy today that you are going to make us cry when you are 2..
-you are such a sweet girl. you love to cuddle up and love to giggle.
-you love your sippy cup and love water.
-love your blankie
-you clap and wave like crazy
-you clap and wave like crazy
-you have, seriously, the funniest hair. we call you Donald Trump sometimes. it looks just like a toupe and, sometimes, when you are having a temper tantrum and flinging yourself around your hair flops and it just makes us laugh
-you can make some serious monster noises. you are full of different noises but monster ones are your latest.
-you have graduated to standing without holding onto something for a couple seconds and just today have started trying to take a step or two. you get scared and immediately fall down but it's much farther than what you were!
-when Adelyn and Brecken are being crazy you like to sit it out on the sidelines..can't say I blame you.
-you can climb up the stairs but not down.
-love Adelyn's baby dolls..and cars.
-when Brecken gets into things he's not supposed to you come along and join him. he's the instigator, you are the accomplice.
-you can climb up the stairs but not down
-have two teeth with now signs of more
This is the best picture I got of the two of them ;)
-you can climb up the stairs but not down
-have two teeth with now signs of more
This is the best picture I got of the two of them ;)

Sophia came for a visit today so I had to get a couple of pics of her too! Doesn't Joelle look thrilled?! ;)
It was so nice having Sophia over! I didn't feel like I was constantly neglecting Adelyn, she loved playing with her and they entertained each other.
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